Hi,just a race report from my first supermoto race ever.
Practice,rain rain and I have to use my rainbike with raintyres on were very slippery and
hard to get good laps with racers falling everywhere

Then were the Time-qualification and it went well to lap 8,were on a goooood lap and
then the raintyre blizztred of heat and I went down and hirt my ankle very bad.

Manage to get 14th place on startgrid of 44 racers anyway!

First final,I got a good start with my new "startshot" and dry bike with slicks on and passed 7 racers,got 8th placed and were very proud.

It was 30min to next final and my boot were stuck on foot and I have to keep it on.

I was soo soore so I didn?t drive well ?caused pain and couldn?t use my feet to balance with in
turns ,finally got 13 place and 9th overall.
BUT nobody,I say nobody,passed me at any straight!

I went to hospital afterwards, it was no broken,but foot have the size of a football,

Ps:do you like my number?

#500 do.or.die