Author Topic: A different flavor....  (Read 6777 times)

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Offline FuriouSly

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A different flavor....
« on: June 27, 2007, 02:22:45 PM »
Definately noticed a different feel and flavor as of late on the forum...  wish I was riding more instead of reading more.

Recovering from yet another physical pitfall...

Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 09:14:20 PM »
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate event... Asking the Good Lord for your speedy and complete recovery.. :wink:
  I don't quit understand how things slowly get into a place of disruption over personal preference or argumentitive banter.   I am guilty of getting involved in the same kinds of behavior on of all places, religious forums :oops:
    I am trying to change my ways!   
Maybe it is just growing pains, the larger a group of folks that get together the stronger
 opinions seem to gather momentum for either side.
 As nothing more than a guest here, (registered and all)  I do try to respect other folks opinions and have to give them the benefit of the doubt as to their expierience and or
 what they may or may not  know to be true. No biggie.
 All I can hope is the "Silverbacks" set a good example for the young-guns as to how to interact with others and keep KXriders a place where you can hang out and know that whether your a 55yr old trail rider or a 12yr old with a '85 kx80 you can get straight scoop on how to get your bike runnin. 
 I don't know how long ago PitBull Racing started or with how many initial members,  Who's willing to bet they'll be 1000 member by years end.
   Sly, I hope the different feel & flavors continue to be pleasant, informative and last but not least, good clean fun.
P.S. I had carple tunnel release last tue 6/19 so I know I'm also suffering withdrawls to get out and ride my own self!
 Take care,
 Tuck \o/           
  By the way I just had carpel tunnel last wed.
( As you can see.. still on medication.. Re-read post on 7/1  and noticed the double  surg thing :-P,  is there an  emoticon for looking down and shaking head? )
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 02:49:37 AM by Friar-Tuck »
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Offline alan

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2007, 04:37:14 AM »
Well, all things change! Paul and I decided to open the forum up to all KX riders, not just the KX5 so things were bound to change. I am very delighted with all the member from around the world and now we even have a lady on board.  Also we have some new talent technically. It would be nice to be able to have group rides, however their are many miles between most of us, so I don't know how realistic that is.

I would love to go ride with the guys down under and I would like to go watch Doordie ice race also! Notice I said watch him race! He He!

Alan :-D :-D
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Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2007, 09:04:58 AM »
 Not your fault Bro, Human nature.
 Please don't stop Chiming in on stuff you have expierience with. Thats how people like me get to learn.
 I got a feeling there are other folks here who know gobs but got upset and don't post because they feel their wasting their time.
Well there are lots of people who don't post, for whatever reason) but keep coming back.
 For example, Check out how many times a thread has been read and how few people reply.
  And as for what anyone else says about me doesn't usually get my craw anymore.
It doesn't matter what they might say about me..... 'cause I know somthin worse! :lol:
  Take Care
 Tuck \o/       
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Offline alan

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 09:05:40 AM »
I feel like it Is my fault I dont always play well with others. I sure don't want every one to think I'm some sort of A-hole but Its probably to late. I need to learn to shut my mouth and keep my opinons to my self and keep my replys shorter and more to the point. I have decided to take this web site less seriously and not let other peoples opinions Insite me to say stupid crap and just try to have some fun and keep my mind open to learn something.
I have always considered you to be a valuable asset to this group! :-D :-D
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Offline Arigato

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2007, 02:26:47 AM »
Sly...I've noticed it too.  "Expert" opinions are being given without explanation; it's more of a "just because I said so" type of thing.  However, that happens on most internet forums.  What bothers me lately is the complete lack of respect for the rules and conventions of the English language.  While I am by no means perfect, it's hard to take someone seriously who can't capitalize or punctuate even the simplest sentence.  There are members who write like a 14 year-old text messaging his first girl friend.

Other than that, it's still my favorite site! :mrgreen:

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2007, 03:55:33 AM »
I enjoy reading all the "Expert" opinions,  I just take them with a grain of salt.  As far as proper English I type everything in an e-mail window, do spell check, proof read, then copy and paste it into the forum.  If a person really wants to look like they speak the Kings English, type your post into a Microsoft Word document.  Word will correct grammar.
I value all the members we have on this site, even the people that don't seam to get it right all the time.  They might be like I was back in late 2004 when I joined this site,  full of questions and ideas, not all of them correct.  I ride a KX 500 that's as safe as it can be and I'm a much better rider because of this site and the people on it.  So please don't give up on the new members that have the same questions we have gone over and opinions that aren't quite up to par, because I was one of those "new members".
Had the previous members given up on me I would not have mechanical knowledge and rider ability I have today.  And yes this is still my favorite site!

Here's 14 reasons I don't post as much as I used to.  Forums I'm a member of.;topicseen#new
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Offline Arigato

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2007, 04:20:22 AM »
d**n Danger!!! I thought I belonged to a lot of foums..When do you have time to ride? :-D

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2007, 05:52:35 AM »
If everything is running well at work and I don't have a customer here or on the phone I have permission to surf the net all I want.  I'm most active here on KXRiders then okdualsport, klrworld,, advrider and the rest I'm more of a lurker.  Now that I have the new quad I'll become more active on this one
I am still a dyed in the wool KX500 and guy and always will be.
As far as time to ride, I used to ride on my lunch hour behind the shop on the track I made.  We have had so much rain I can't get to my track that's right outside of my back door.  The first picture is a TV shot of the storm that just passed over us and dropped an inch of rain.  The next picture is the trail to the low water crossing to get to the track.  Notice the grass on the trail, this is the first time I have ever had to mow the trail since I made the track back in 2002.  The water is 3 feet deep over the bridge.  The creek is dry most of the time and we ride in it, but not this year.
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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2007, 06:02:17 AM »
Frair-Tuck, All of those read but not posting could be alot of mine. It's been 10 years sence I raced my K5. So I don't have a lot of information that I can relate from that long back, but I do alot of reading on this sight (It's my second most read site). Sence I'm not riding my k5 (In the middle of rebuild when a Guy didn't return My frame). I"m still real interested in then alumminum frame comversion for my old 500.

And YES English is not my strong point.


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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2007, 11:05:32 AM »
i spent my time at school not in english class but made a + in auto mechnics so i am soory for my bad spelling and will do my best to learn better english .......but my engine imformtion is sound as a swiss frank

Offline FuriouSly

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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2007, 12:20:33 PM »
    This forum is like a virus, an infection that just keeps creeping back into my bloodstream.  It has built up an immunity in my system to any cure that I have readily available to me.  I thought that some race gas and porting would do, as others here, to put in check the effects of this disease.  But to my surprise, it is falling short.

    Stroked, 527, 540, 560, methanol, crank stuffing, piston mods, nitrous, 600....  these thoughts are haunting my every dream, or rather my every nightmare.  I think I have finally found a treatment that will stay this steady feeling of ever impending doom, the nauseous heaviness that continually fills my stomach with dread....


    I wonder at times how I compare to many of the members here, in speed and technique on a KX?  This Blurb of mine is not meant to be threatening or insulting, so please bear that in mind.  I am currently recoupping from another non-riding injury to my back, so I have had a bit too much time to re-think my hobby of riding motorcycles.  Definately not a mentally healthy thing to do.

    How many cc's is enough?  What about HP?  Torque is always a necessity!  Shave some weight and available HP is more effective... 

    I know that my bike is definately fast enough for me... actually it is faster than 95% of my friends can handle who have been riding for decades.  In my years riding I have lost bikes, body parts, and family to the sport...

    When I can ride at 90% of my bikes ability, 90% of the time, and stay 90% healthy throughout...  then I will have accomplished what I think a majority of the people here try to do most of their lives as well.  You can look inward and realize that in doesn't matter what pipe, gas, piston, or color you have under you... what matters?  It's who's sitting on top of it all.

    Keep up the great info, help, and friendship.  Never forget why we are all here in the first place.

P.S.  This is the only forum I have ever belonged to.  Weird   :|, for a geek like me.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 02:25:20 PM by FuriouSly »


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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2007, 05:57:59 PM »
As for the head injury you just had BDI, it might explain the bad spelling and grammar. You didn't by any chance fall out of the golf cart and hit your head on stewarts head did you?   :-D About motorcycle performance, like the man says "Until I learn how to hold it wide open in every turn, this bike is fast enough for me". There are only a small handful of riders who could ride the KX500 to it's full potential and I don't think any of them post here. Sly, I think this sport is next to impossible to stay away from, you have a better chance shaking heroine. And this forum? it is only a place to talk about what we love to do on two wheels and by no means a substitute for the real thing.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 11:16:28 AM by hangtime »


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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2007, 01:56:27 AM »
why are you critasizeing me  hang time .. you dont  now how fast i can ride. or what my reasons are for engine mods ..i was only being helpful to share ideas  ..... it takes a little  person to belittle
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 02:04:15 AM by stewart »


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Re: A different flavor....
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2007, 03:06:36 AM »
Stewart I am not coming after you, read the post, first the bit about hitting heads was a joke, BDI got it. As for engine mods and riding ability I only stated what was good for me and what I can use for MX, not hillclimbs or drag races. No mention of you and your ability, but it seems that if you spent as much time on your typing as engine building you would be a better writer than Mark Twain. There, that is not belittling, that is a compliment