Author Topic: Still leaking coolant  (Read 2387 times)

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Still leaking coolant
« on: August 15, 2003, 08:08:56 PM »
I havent had time untill today to put my bike back together after finding coolant in my trans.It started up and ran fine but I noticed after 5 minutes of running that the trans oil was turning white again,I cleaned out the old oil when I changed the water pump bearings and the seal,and the coolant level didnt go down in the radiator.Im wondering if there was still enough contaminated oil left to turn the new oil white or if the new water pump seal is leaking still?If I need to change the seal again can you do it by just removing the empeller on the pump or do I have to pull the clutch cover again?And Im not sure why the new seal would be leaking,what do you guys think?


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Still leaking coolant
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2003, 02:18:36 AM »
I doubt the new seal is leaking, as you probably still just have some of the white spouge left in the tranny.  In the past, when I have lost the water pump seal, I have used a light solvent to rinse the tranny, and then change the oil a couple of times after brief running.  Just put and a quart of light solvent, kick the engine over several times, and then drain it out.  Repeat again if the solvent is really ugly.  Leave the top and bottom oil plugs out for a day or so before adding oil, and the solvent will flash and evaporate.  After a day or so, add and remove oil a couple of times, and you should be set.

If your seal is leaking again, yes, you can change the seal without pulling the cultch cover, but it is tough.  You will need a good dental tool with a hook to reach in and grab the seal, and you might even need two dental tools tools to apply evan pressure as you pull the seal out.  Once the seal is out just a little, you can grab it with a pair of pliers and finish the removal.

Good luck.



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Still leaking coolant
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2003, 08:13:52 PM »
Thanks Rick,I leaned the bike on its side after I took the clutch  cover off when I replaced the bearings and seal and tried to clean out the old oil with carb cleaner.Hopefully thats all it is just some of the old oil/coolant that contaminated the new oil,Ill play with it tomorrow.Again Rick thanks for the reply!