Did I tell you I Love you guys?

I try to re-check every post for typo's and all as best I can, and usually fall short, oh well.
Sly, My body feels like I'm 60, I ride like I'm 6, and my education doesn't go much farther than 6th grade.
(and looking back at that last sentence thats way too many sixes....)
And I admire your True Grit and determination in "Taking Charge of that K-5"
Some "Girls just want to have Fun"
Alan is right on about being upset at grammar. My wife is Philipino and telling them their proununciation
is wrong is a big "Bad dog no biscuit".
Stew- Keep on Keepin on. When you get to what you've determined to be a finished piston design I would like to throw out the Idea of sending one off to Arias (or the like) and may be get a bunch made. Heck, Stew, you just might be worth a fortune!
Danger, Forgive us our tresspasses, well you know...

Open Class, You probably forgot more than I'll know about riding and you know what, THAT'S O.K.

Thanks for keeping things straight Alan.
Got to go.. another Dr. Appt.
Take Care, All