Author Topic: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?  (Read 5159 times)

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Offline Bigtim

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Re: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2010, 11:37:28 PM »
thought I'd post an update& drag this back to the top. Had surgery on the25th, everything went good. I'm sure I was so nervous about procedure, bc I'm just a "needle wimp". Did the hampstring graft, there was a lot of miniscus damage& bone bruise, so I'm zero weight bearing for six weeks. Almost halfway there, & I'm at wits end with these crutches. Frustrating to need help just with simple things, can't carry a beverage & crutch at the same time( I wish I had tail :-D) barly driving again, got temp handi permit. And actually got fit for a don joy instead of CTI only bc cti was too long for snowboard boots. If I were a moto only guy, cti would be far superior choice. I needed a brace for everything though.
i couldn't imagine having to deal with this recovery period without the help and support of friends and family! Still going to PT, got a membership to a gym with a therapy pool. And on personal notes , got a puppy and I'm growing a pretty mean beard.ftp://

Offline kwakman

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Re: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2010, 12:32:26 AM »
hope your recovery goes well Tim, and your injury sounded rough Danger.I've been very lucky so far, as the only proper damage i've ever sustained after 31 years of stupidity was a bust collar bone and a broken finger sk8boarding.The thought of knee injuries make me feel queasy.
And lo, I did loft the front wheel and carried it forth to the unbelievers, and cast it down before them and said unto them ''look now upon the might of my throttle control ye pitiful cretinous ones''
And the unbelievers did quake in their boots....

Offline cbxracer30

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Re: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2010, 10:34:35 AM »
And actually got fit for a don joy instead of CTI only bc cti was too long for snowboard boots. If I were a moto only guy, cti would be far superior choice. I needed a brace for everything though.
I hope they just didn't tell you that and you believed them , because I am also an avid skier and I have no problems with the fit of the brace and my rossignal ski boots. I've been skiing with the brace for over 5years and have been through 3 different sets of boots all with no fit problems  so I think if the doctor told you it wouldn't work then he wasn't gonna get his kickback.CBX
Yep, you can ride it - if YOU can start it !!

Offline bansheemaniac

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Re: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2010, 04:06:52 PM »
i tore my Mcl in half , in my left knee  3 years ago playin jr high football, what a bummer lol, well i got surjury on it a few days after it happened, and i was under the knife 4     3and 1/2 hours :-o.  And now i have some type of teflon mesh that holds my tendon together, it works, but back to the story. @ weeks after the first surjury, i was just starting to walk on crutches when my right knee gave out, i was thinking ' Not again', so a week later i ended up geting another surjery. but after 8 weeks of rehab and vicodin i was up and walking again. Now im 18 and have arthiritis in both knees, :-(. but that dont keep me down, i still go riding on my quads and bikes, its an addiction that no injury can put a stop to.

Thats my knee story,

Offline Bigtim

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Re: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2010, 03:06:16 AM »
And actually got fit for a don joy instead of CTI only bc cti was too long for snowboard boots. If I were a moto only guy, cti would be far superior choice. I needed a brace for everything though.
I hope they just didn't tell you that and you believed them , because I am also an avid skier and I have no problems with the fit of the brace and my rossignal ski boots. I've been skiing with the brace for over 5years and have been through 3 different sets of boots all with no fit problems  so I think if the doctor told you it wouldn't work then he wasn't gonna get his kickback.CBX
I made my own choice! There was no pressure either way. I brought my a-star tech 3, and my Burton ruler snowboard boots. Cti2 is too long for shred boots, verifiablly. Also, its a very close friend of mine that owns the local orthocare business. We've been riding bikes & boards together for 10+ years. I made my own choice after being educated on all the options. Kickbacks? I trust my healthcare providers!
 ........ Good story lance, i've got to make sure I only have to go thru this once! I hope anyway. Promised myself that I'll wait til at least sept. Before motoing again

Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: Tore my ACL riding,anybody else?
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2010, 05:46:45 PM »
Frustrating to need help just with simple things, can't carry a beverage & crutch at the same time

  Don't they have Beer hats there? :lol:  You know, the hat with cupholders and tubing...

Or Hey, where's your CamelBack!  :mrgreen:

   Glad to hear things are coming along, BT.  Hang in there!
  At least we don't have to worry about you kicken the'd end up butt over tea kettle!

Banshee Man,  I got the arthritis thing going on too...'cept everywhere...I do hear yo on the not being able to give up riding.   
As bad as things are there is always someone else worse off....We could be in Haiti... :-o
  Catch you guys L8r,
"The Truth Has No Agenda"