Anyone have withdrawals when they can't ride? I seriously need to figure out how to get my mind off of it. I need to move somewhere I can just ride out of my garage and go on a ride. I had that luxury for two short years. And of course easter is this Sunday which means only one day of riding this week.................. 
Yes, I feel your pain.. I now have nowhere to ride. Land is now in the millions anywhere close and anybody who owns more than a few acres is now cashing in and retireing. I am debating selling everything off-road and buying a few more Jet-Ski's for the family and just move to water only. We have quite a few very large lakes. I just like the dirt better, but doesn't help when there is nothing left.
Easy cure for withdrawels is mountain biking. It sucks that you have to be the motor, but it's sort close to the moto feeling when you are going downhill..... just the thought sounds painful!!!!!!