Hi there Johhniespeed
Living in South Boardman (about 8 miles south of Kalkaska) I ride the Grand Traverse, Fife Lake, and Leetsville loops without the trailer. It is great to have the K5 plated but I try not to push it. I been dieing to get over to Bull Gap but haven?t had time yet this year. I haven?t figured out yet how to contact you directly, but if you are headed up this way drop a line on this thread and I will see what I can do to meet you.
No, I do not belong to the Cycle Conservation Club yet. They appear to run dual sports and tend to frown on the motocross bikes with a plate bolted to the rear fender. But I am eyeing one of those new KTM 525 EXC-G that comes completely street legal. While it is a nice looking, light, trail bike, I am having a moral dilemma with the four stroke. Never owned one but unfortunately times are changing. Once I acquire the dual sport I will probably join the CCC and maybe do the six day ride.
Hi there maddoggy
If you are going to ride the dunes in Michigan I suggest you head to the Silver Lake Dunes. I do not think you will get a very warm welcome on your K5 at the sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. And if you are heading over to the Silver Lake Dunes make sure you have a flag and a USFS approved spark arrester. The DNR will inspect it. Don?t want to be setting those sand dunes on fire!!!