Sweet, man Teen Green!!!!!! On the riding areas in Indiana, my favorite is definately the "sandy" Badlands. There is a nem place called Mule Ridge, also out west. Take 36 west to 63 go 1 mile North and the park is on the left. You can see it from the highway. Same as Badland Rules and prices. Also like 700 acres of nice trails, but very new.
About the flooding, if you are fouling plugs at start-up, you might turn the gas off for about 10 seconds before done riding. It can be fixed by adjusting the float bowl shut-off in the carb. If it is flooding, while out riding, that is easy to fix.
Any time you are riding with the clutch in for any length of time, like on downhill riding, crack the throttle. Hit it a few times, to make sure it is cleaned out good. Also, if it keeps dieing on you in tight conditions, you can gear down, which is easier to ride that Kaw!!!!!