Author Topic: Just letting off a little steam...  (Read 5392 times)

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Just letting off a little steam...
« on: March 26, 2007, 06:14:50 AM »
I just need to "bitch" a little as I know everyone here understands...

Went riding over the weekend.  My son and I wanted to get out for a few hours.  We met up with a couple of his buddies.  One on a quad, the other on an 03 KX 250.  The boy of the KX was always lagging behind.  That's not a problem, as we've had so much rain, everything was either flooded, or a swamp.  The problem was the boy could not keep the bike running.  After an hour of watching him restart the bike, over and over, I asked him about the bike.  He said it eats plugs, and he didn't understand why "crap" was dripping from the exhaust.  He told me he was running Castrol at either 28 or 32:1, he wasn't sure which. As for the plug, he was running a "9" plug.  If he would have done any research, he would known the bike was designed to run on an "8" heat range plug when being raced.  If he would have asked, I would have told him that he needs to run a "7", especially after I watched him ride the bike.  After he fouled the second plug, I took the "7" out of my son's KX, and put it in his, and put a plug I carry with me in the KX.  We were able to get through the rest of the ride without too many problems.

He was thinking of getting rid of the bike, as he put it "2 strokes are too much work?"  Its stuff like this that gives 2 smokers a bad rap.  I explained to him what he needs to do

1st - I wasn't sure if the premix he's using was synthetic.  If not go to the shop where he buys his oil, and find one that's synthetic. (I told him to look for Amsol, Bel Ray and I gave him a few other brands) Buy it and stick with it.
2nd - Change the mix ratio to either 40:1 or  50:1, amd stick to it.
3rd - Go to Advanced Auto or any auto parts store and buy 3 NGK BR7ES plugs. He was buying his plugs at the local bike shop for $25 / plug, vs $2 /plug at the auto parts store.
4th - I offered to help him correct any jetting issues after he ran through at least 3 thanks of properly mixed gas. 

At the end of the ride, I had him take my son's KX for a little spin, as I've changed the gearing and added a flywheel weight.  He could not believe the difference.  He asked several times, as to the gearing we are running (13 - 50) and the flywheel weight.  (11ozs).  He now wants to keep the KX, as he wants to make the mods I've suggested.

If people would do a little research and or ask questions of other riders, they would be amazed how much help they'd receive.

Sorry for being long winded...  OK, I feel better now.   :mrgreen:

Offline alan

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 06:29:28 AM »
I would love to have the time back that I spent trying to fix or explain other riders equipment I have bumped into on the trail or in the desert!  This is the place to ask those questions instead of wasting the other guys riding time!
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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 08:20:30 AM »
I agree, but some people just want to get on it and ride it. For me if my bike doesn't run right I need to find out why. Everbody has a different learning curve. I always make sure my bike is in good running order before driving 1-2 hrs some where to ride and then get there and the bike doesn't work.
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Offline MadKaw

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2007, 01:45:27 PM »
help him Obi Wan, your his only hope......
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Father!...The sleeper has Awaken!!!

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2007, 03:24:44 PM »
  I can understand your frustratrion.  Sometime you just have to swallow it and pass on the knowledge.  It can be rewarding. Some riders just don't get the opportunity or have anyone (father/relative/friend) that they can learn from.  Thats where guys like us can help out. Glad you turned him around in the end. Cam.

ps I go through about 6 plugs a year and not a single one has ever had to go in MY bike


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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2007, 04:45:42 PM »
I think I would be a little frustrated with this kid. I can see this bike ending up abandoned due to lack of interest, and worthless way before it's time. We have all seen these bikes. Unless someone points his head in the right direction, then kicks him in the ass to get him started, that will be the future of this bike. Honestly, this bike is worth a few thousand dollars, that is a lot of money and should be treated with more respect. Where is this kids father? They should be learning this together. If he is not available then good job eprovenzano. Even though my father told me to take pride in whatever bikes we had for all of the right reasons, it still didn't keep me from wanting a new bike for all of the wrong reasons, then a kid like this on a 03 KX250 rides by and he doesn't even know what he has. I think that his actions are thoughtless and disrespectful and hopefully he will change with age. There is just more to this than a bad running two stroke in my book. Perhaps I am reading into this too much, but this stuff rubs me wrong. d**n talk about bitching!! Don't get me started!!


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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2007, 01:28:06 AM »
I knew everyone here has had similar experiences.  If just kills me to see a nice bike go into disrepair because either doesn't know how to, or doesn't want to take the time to make sure its right.  Growing up, I was responsible for my own bike repairs.  Since I didn't have a lot of money I learned how to make sure my equipment was as good as those who got as new bike every year.  Dad did help me when I needed it, but after every ride, the bike was washed, chain checked, and lubed, all bolts re-tightened.  If this was not done and I needed his help for a major repair, tuff sh$^.  I didn't up to my end of the deal, so I was out of luck.  I do the same thing to my son.  After riding, the bikes are washed, inspected prior to getting put away.

I asked my son about him last night.  He said his family has too much money...  He drives a new sports car, also has a fairly new crotch rocket, that he selling because he is planning on a new one.... 

Here I am with a 95 Jeep with 210K miles on it, both of my bikes combined are close to the value of his KX, but I'm the one enjoying time with my son, and at the same time I get to act like a kid...

The statement that made me laugh is he told my son at school that the way I ride, I'm nuts...  I guess he's never ridden a 125...  If you don't ride it like you stole it, leave it in the garage.

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2007, 01:48:33 AM »
If the kid is a freind of your boy and likes to ride and just ask him if you could help him work out the issues with his bike so ya'll can go riding again. You taking him riding might be more then his father has done for him.
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Offline 5dracing

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2007, 02:04:01 AM »
I have the similar situation with about 5 kids in the neighborhood. Once I started working with the kids the one dad comes over and has me show him houw to repair things on his street bike. He has a Triumph tiger and had no very little knowledge of the things he could do himself on this bike. I showed him the easy things like chain adjustment and cable lubing, all things he used to take the bike to the dealer for. This paid off big for my son and I as this dad is the owner of the property that now has a 6 acre practice track on it.

Epro, don't give up on the kid, you may make a big difference in his life.
The torch has been passed; Father to Son. He is faster!!!

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2007, 02:57:07 AM »
Hey there.... next time you go out riding, gimme a shout.  I'm just across the river ya know!
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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2007, 03:04:44 AM »
He took my son's 99 KX 250 for a spin... He couldn't believe the difference in the two bikes.  I gave him a list of mods we've made, and offered to help him make with any and all mods to his bike.  I also told him I would help him jet it correctly only after he's run three tanks of premix at the proper ratio, which for him I recomended 50:1.  He is not an agressive rider, and I think the bike intimidates him a little. After we get the bike it set up properly, we'll work on twisting the throttle a little more.  

The next thing he needs to do into log onto this site...  Many thanks to all those who have answered my questions.


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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2007, 03:16:06 AM »
gwcrim we when Sunday afternoon, it was a spur of the moment thing.  I did think about ya, but not until Monday.  I found a private track that both my sone and I were drooling over.  I'm trying to find the owner to ask permission to use it.  We were at the WV / PA line past Bethany College.

We will definately be back there again.  I will give you a shout when we "plan" to go riding there next time.   8-)

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2007, 04:03:18 AM »
50:1?  That's too tight for my butt!  I run 32:1, mainly because it's easy for me to figger out.

There's a guy down around Wheeling that invites us down now and then.  He built a track on his property though I haven't ridden it in it's current configuration.  I'm not much of an MX guy.  I prefer dodging trees.  Sometimes we ride woods down there too.

Maybe sometime we can hit up Yellow Creek - Wellsville.  It's maybe 20 miles north of the bridge.  Lots and lots of woods there.
You raise the blade
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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2007, 04:53:05 AM »
I don't know if your familiar with the area behind Bethany College.  It was formally the German Beer Gardens.  Its a place everyone (including my son) takes their 4x4's to play in the mud.  There are many trails, lots and lots of mud...  Most people on quads, many on bikes watching the jeeps, and trucks play in the mud.  Its good clean fun...

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Re: Just letting off a little steam...
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2007, 02:13:13 AM »
I have a pal supposedly coming to town for a ride this Saturday.  Care to make some plans?  gwcrim at
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