I just need to "bitch" a little as I know everyone here understands...
Went riding over the weekend. My son and I wanted to get out for a few hours. We met up with a couple of his buddies. One on a quad, the other on an 03 KX 250. The boy of the KX was always lagging behind. That's not a problem, as we've had so much rain, everything was either flooded, or a swamp. The problem was the boy could not keep the bike running. After an hour of watching him restart the bike, over and over, I asked him about the bike. He said it eats plugs, and he didn't understand why "crap" was dripping from the exhaust. He told me he was running Castrol at either 28 or 32:1, he wasn't sure which. As for the plug, he was running a "9" plug. If he would have done any research, he would known the bike was designed to run on an "8" heat range plug when being raced. If he would have asked, I would have told him that he needs to run a "7", especially after I watched him ride the bike. After he fouled the second plug, I took the "7" out of my son's KX, and put it in his, and put a plug I carry with me in the KX. We were able to get through the rest of the ride without too many problems.
He was thinking of getting rid of the bike, as he put it "2 strokes are too much work?" Its stuff like this that gives 2 smokers a bad rap. I explained to him what he needs to do
1st - I wasn't sure if the premix he's using was synthetic. If not go to the shop where he buys his oil, and find one that's synthetic. (I told him to look for Amsol, Bel Ray and I gave him a few other brands) Buy it and stick with it.
2nd - Change the mix ratio to either 40:1 or 50:1, amd stick to it.
3rd - Go to Advanced Auto or any auto parts store and buy 3 NGK BR7ES plugs. He was buying his plugs at the local bike shop for $25 / plug, vs $2 /plug at the auto parts store.
4th - I offered to help him correct any jetting issues after he ran through at least 3 thanks of properly mixed gas.
At the end of the ride, I had him take my son's KX for a little spin, as I've changed the gearing and added a flywheel weight. He could not believe the difference. He asked several times, as to the gearing we are running (13 - 50) and the flywheel weight. (11ozs). He now wants to keep the KX, as he wants to make the mods I've suggested.
If people would do a little research and or ask questions of other riders, they would be amazed how much help they'd receive.
Sorry for being long winded... OK, I feel better now.