Author Topic: The Aluminum Swap  (Read 2926 times)

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The Aluminum Swap
« on: February 27, 2007, 08:17:15 AM »
Hi all,

I just found and joined this site as a result of surfing the web and reading up on some  Service KX500AF info.

I ride a 2005 KX250. I'm far from wealthy so I'm on the 3 yr. bike plan. My intentions were to buy a new '08 at the end of this season.

However, my interests now have my mind a driftin'.

I really like the motor my bike has and with the two-strokes sadly fading away, I'm strongly considering parting out my entire bike (less the engine) and finding a donor 2006+ KXF aluminum framed bike for the swap.

Unless Kawasaki surprises us beyond belief in the U.S. with an all new AF KX250 for 2008, I'm certain I want to go ahead and build this bad boy.

The bike will be brand new and as far as I'm concerned more of a beauty then anything I'll be able to buy off the floor in 2008.

I see there are a few guys here who have some superb examples of this project completed with their K5's.

I have searched and searched... Has anyone posted a detailed write-up of the swap?

Is a conversion kit available?

Any words of advice or a point in the right direct would be greatly appreciated!



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Re: The Aluminum Swap
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 02:11:02 PM »
Welcome to the site, there is a lot of info here and good people to help with tech stuff. This post answers the big questions.,2713.msg19433.html#msg19433


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Re: The Aluminum Swap
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 02:39:05 PM »

Thanks for the reply and the link to your project. Incredible work of art you have there.. what an inspiration!

However, while I did realize that this would not be a simple bolt in procedure, I did not realize the actual fabrication and R&D involved. I'm afraid I'm not nearly mechanically inclined enough to take on a project like this. Perhaps a conversion kit will become available or Service Honda will offer the complete build with you sending in your two-stroke motor. I'll have to contact them when their KX500AF project is complete to see what services they'll offer for AF 2T conversions.

On another note, with the near death of the two-stroke, and KTM and Yamaha being the only ones with any new development with them, it's a no brainer that someone should start offering these conversions for other brands and cc's.

There's a lot of die-hard two stroke guys out there, including myself who are looking for options on what to do.

I know if this project is not achievable for me with a kit or a shop's service, I'll have no choice but to buy a KTM next season.  :?

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Re: The Aluminum Swap
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 11:45:05 PM »
We feel your pain - I know I plan on keeping my big 5 until it is no longer competative in a hare scramble (though I cant see when that will happen).  My next bike will probably then be a KTM 300
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Re: The Aluminum Swap
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 03:12:38 PM »
as far as Service H..
i may offer several different things in the coming seasons for sure..

as i have had a lot of requests for a KX250 -AF and RM 250 AF etc.

I do know a guy at Kawasaki that already made a beautiful
KX250-AF.. for fun basically.

i'll see if i can get some photos of it ..