Thanks for the reply and the link to your project. Incredible work of art you have there.. what an inspiration!
However, while I did realize that this would not be a simple bolt in procedure, I did not realize the actual fabrication and R&D involved. I'm afraid I'm not nearly mechanically inclined enough to take on a project like this. Perhaps a conversion kit will become available or Service Honda will offer the complete build with you sending in your two-stroke motor. I'll have to contact them when their KX500AF project is complete to see what services they'll offer for AF 2T conversions.
On another note, with the near death of the two-stroke, and KTM and Yamaha being the only ones with any new development with them, it's a no brainer that someone should start offering these conversions for other brands and cc's.
There's a lot of die-hard two stroke guys out there, including myself who are looking for options on what to do.
I know if this project is not achievable for me with a kit or a shop's service, I'll have no choice but to buy a KTM next season.