Author Topic: freetown state forest in tropical storm charley  (Read 2475 times)

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freetown state forest in tropical storm charley
« on: August 15, 2004, 10:30:04 AM »
my buddies and i had been planning on riding today (sunday) for awhile at freetown state forest,one of the last legal places to ride around here left, i spent nights after work this week changing the reeds,fork seals(a good time) brakes front and rear,both tires and after raining all night and most of the morning we were there anyway,we may be older but i don't think were much smarter,there was no danger just water,lots of deep cold smelly water,woops with water,and rivers running over the road,wet roots everywhere, my 500 that would through mud,so no one wanted to follow me,this place you can ride all day and never hit the same trail twice, if your ever in the area its a must, just don't stall the bike trying everything to slow down, break the kickstarter lever off trying to get it re-fired 2miles away from were the truck is was a long buddy after i pushed the 500 threw a river,threw two foot deep woops filled with water,threw what seemed like quicksand and up a hill,said " lets turn it around and pop start it down the hill i just pushed it up. he was confident so i told him to go for it as i was in no shape,(note:500's don't like to be pop started down hill in wet soft sand)needless to say we got to push that beast up the hill again and eventually made it back to the truck.we spent the rest of the day sharing a bike,and it was still a good time,i don't think our gear will ever be the same again...just thought i'd share


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freetown state forest in tropical storm charley
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2004, 06:49:11 PM »
Some times an adventure is almost as fun as riding,sounds like you had both!


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freetown state forest in tropical storm charley
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2004, 07:23:12 AM »
Sounds better than a day at work!


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freetown state forest in tropical storm charley
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2004, 07:51:20 AM »