Author Topic: Starting to get fed up  (Read 3128 times)

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Starting to get fed up
« on: June 20, 2003, 12:28:06 PM »
Short story long, I broke a ring a few weeks ago, no problem so I order a new piston kit but wiseco is out. 2 weeks later the piston is in so I go to order it and they wanted $$$$, so after reading about Monkeybutt on this site and others I decided to give him the business, not only was he less but I ordered on Monday and he made sure it all arrived to my door by friday. That is the only highlight of this story.  

Originally when tearing down my bike I found my pipe was cracked again, and that my cylinder was ported by an 8th grader with a nervous tick, so I bought a new pipe and another cylinder. The pipe lines up fine, but the cylinder wont work because the powervalves are completely different than what I have now that was my fault I should have checked but I figure I'd have it for my next one. So I decide to use what I have and make it work the best I can. I want to ride tomorrow so I start to strip everything down so I can clean it all and hone the cylinder, but when I go to pull the powervalves out one of them comes out in pieces  :evil:  
The kx 500 is a nice bike but it's real close to getting a couple of incendiary rounds pumped into it. This must be where kawasaki gets the bad reputation from because I've never had any of these types of petty problems on any of my other 2 kaws, or my hondas. Keep in mind these aren't serious repairs but they are the kind of silly nickel and dime repairs that make you start to hate the bike. I won't put another $1 in the bike other than gas so if I can't fix the powervalve I'll ride it without one. And if it breaks I'll leave it where it sits and take pictures of the fire for all to see. Now I really regret not having that cr 500 ported for smoother delivery with more overrev.  I really like my kx 250 and figured since the the cr was a little harsh in the tight stuff that this would be a good fit at this point I know it would have been cheaper to mod the cr than it is to keep the kx runnning. In all fairness i do ride 30+ hours a month and maybe that was just to much for this bike.


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Starting to get fed up
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2003, 04:30:56 AM »
Just fired it up and it sounds sick but in a good way. Gonna take it out and see how good / bad it runs.


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Starting to get fed up
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2003, 11:44:02 AM »
I really have a love hate relationship with this bike, just like a woman but in this case it may not be cheaper to keep her. The bike ran flawlessly most of the day and has no,  I mean no as in zero loss of bottom end without the powervalve. The hit is alot harder now but I made some other mods so whos to say what actually contributed to that. I was doing 3rd gear half throttle 12 o clock wheelies at will, no clutch no nothing just a crack of the throttle, thats something it or any other 500 that I've ridden has never done (keep in mind I'm well over 250 lbs). I still prefer the handling of this bike over a cr 500 and I find the power delivery to be real close to what I want. The ride was good the only bad part was half way through the ride the clutch started slipping and just got worse and worse, the new found power most likely was just to much for the clutch to take anymore. Oh yeah and the pipe mount on my new pipe already has a crack.  The bike runs good enough when it's running that I'd like to keep it and I probably will I just will only ride it every once in a while because the maintenance is just to much for me. Especially considering my other bikes are virtually maintenance free other than fluids, filters, and cleaning. I need a four stroke that can hang with my 500 in  drag race but can go forever with just the basic maintenance. I wish the dealers gave test rides so I knew what I was getting before I bought it because most of the so called fast four strokes aren't. Oh well..........