Author Topic: KX500AF  (Read 29434 times)

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2007, 07:08:39 AM »
The current CR setup
is two yellows out ,on the lighting coil output side, AC.
its a *true 130 watts* (not split) system.

it is availible with either a DC regulator,(if you want it with a battery application)  or AC regulator.
it works well in both applications

It runs with a DC reg and battery , on our CR500AFX..
(since the bike already has the batt,and batt box)

however I have run it AC,  on a standard CR500AF, CR500R,
and it never dims with your somewhat  typical 55wat headlight bulb even at idle, it is full bright..

of course with a higher wattage bulb that might change ...
havnt tested that yet.
but as mentioned you could always run the DC regulator ,
and a small batt if wanted , or needed?

on the CDI mapping ,
 it is not progamable.. but i was thinking of having
it be swicthable, and offer  two curves

the flywheel is 4 oz heavier

The KX system isnt designed yet, but would mimic the CR setup.

Hmmmm, as mine gets used as a roadbike I am finding this veeeery interesting.
The current lightling coil I have couldn't get a glow worm horny as its so crap.

How much is the CR setup selling for?
I assume that the KX setup would be much the same kind of money?

One more point, will all of this fit under the standard KX ignition (or even under the slightly smaller but much stronger Boyeson) cover or do we need a different (with a larger internal space) one like the E-line setup uses?
I would be using a DC regulator (like I already have fitted) cos I have a battery fitted as mine has a horn,  indicators and lights.

If your wondering where I live that lets me get away with this, its in the UK and although we are not allowed many fun things, the government hasn't cottoned onto big two squeek motocrossers on the road yet so hasn't banned em yet.

Regards Scott.

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2007, 10:52:24 AM »
AJ would you be able to just sell the frame (modifided to except the 500 motor), plastic,shock, triple clamps, and forks?

Hmmmmmmmmm, an AF KX 500 kit. Cool, very cool idea! :-D :-D :-D

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2007, 11:08:30 AM »
 i do not currentkly make the CR  500AF's  that way..

(but we will build the CR/AF bike *here*  with your CR500 engine ,
and you then get that discount)

but a kit  might  be something we offer in the future or on the
KX / AF..   not sure yet.

on the lighting stuff..
check details here for the CR stuff?

The CR set up sells for
 499 with AC regulator
566 with DC regulator.

thats includes a stator/ rotor/ regulator /CDI..
far less expensive than the OEM stock stuff,
 and has the added benefit of 130 watts of lighting output..

it fits under the CR ignition cover just like OEM..
we (and electrosport) went out of our way to ensure it was a direct replacement ssystem.

we would do the same on the KX stuff,
 if i go down that route,.,
(and i plan to,  with a KX500AFX bein ghthe next logical step
(i hope)  =)

thanks for all the feedback guys, i appreciate it!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 11:10:58 AM by AJ »

Offline gowen

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2007, 01:11:17 AM »
AJ, thanks for taking time to answere questions we have. I know you are busy, but it means alot to us and says alot about Service Honda.

Any thoughts about a digital PVL ignition as a custom option for us duners and sand/ice/drag racers?

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #49 on: January 24, 2007, 03:12:59 AM »
as mentioned ,
i as thinking of offering a couple curves(switchable)
(and tgis would be at basically the same price.. under OEMS stuff)

a truly rider programable CDI is something we have thought  about,
but obviuosly its retail would be more.
not sure if it will be offered , but at some point its difinantely a possibilty.

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2007, 03:32:59 AM »
a truly rider programable CDI is something we have thought  about,
but obviuosly its retail would be more.
not sure if it will be offered , but at some point its difinantely a possibilty.

AJ, the PVL isn't a programmable ignition, it is a MUCH smaller flywheel that allows the bikes to explode (performance wise) in an instant - as if the 500's weren't violent enough already :lol:

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2007, 04:33:37 AM »
AJ, thanks for taking time to answere questions we have. I know you are busy, but it means alot to us and says alot about Service Honda.   gowen

Here, here.. I second that!  Has been some good reading....


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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2007, 05:55:47 AM » guys did for Singletracker500.

John is an ass, no funning, no kidding and no love lost.

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2007, 12:34:25 PM »
Paul- thanks foir clearing PVL up.

 i never heard of PVL , i had heard of guys with very light flywheels..

i add weight to the flywheels now to get them to at least  original OEM..

so its poosible to make a lighter one, in the future ,
that still has the lighting output..

how light are the PVL's compared to stock
(is there % ratio, or a general figure?)

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2007, 02:38:23 PM »
Paul- thanks foir clearing PVL up.

 i never heard of PVL , i had heard of guys with very light flywheels..

i add weight to the flywheels now to get them to at least  original OEM..

so its poosible to make a lighter one, in the future ,
that still has the lighting output..

how light are the PVL's compared to stock
(is there % ratio, or a general figure?)

AJ, I'd guess 80% lighter?? Maybe more? Paul correct me if I'm wrong but it is nothing as heavy as stock.

PS: The PVL is analog, that is why I was hoping a digital one would be released.. When I buy another KX500 (AF?) I will put on another PVL system if it doesn't come with it. I can't imagine having a KX without it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 02:44:49 PM by gowen »

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2007, 03:50:26 PM »
Oh no, nowhere near as heavy as stock. It sucks in the tight rocky singletrack of Arizona but, it's a must for a duner :D

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2007, 05:28:46 AM »
Paul- thanks foir clearing PVL up.

 i never heard of PVL , i had heard of guys with very light flywheels..

i add weight to the flywheels now to get them to at least  original OEM..

so its poosible to make a lighter one, in the future ,
that still has the lighting output..

how light are the PVL's compared to stock
(is there % ratio, or a general figure?)

AJ, I'd guess 80% lighter?? Maybe more? Paul correct me if I'm wrong but it is nothing as heavy as stock.

PS: The PVL is analog, that is why I was hoping a digital one would be released.. When I buy another KX500 (AF?) I will put on another PVL system if it doesn't come with it. I can't imagine having a KX without it.

I assume that because the PVL ignition rotor has its weight closer to the centre as opposed to the outside like a normal flywheel it will seem even lighter.

As rotating objects that have their weight around the periphery have more anglar momentum at the same RPM than the same weight object with its weight closer to the centre an internal flywheel of the same weight as a normal external one should be more revvy.

Bit like a gymnast spinning very quickly then throwing their arms out and slowing down.

If you get my drift :-)

Offline gowen

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2007, 06:19:31 AM »
Very true, but physically holding the stock rotor vs. that flywheel was incredible (weight difference).

Offline hughes

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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2007, 07:56:59 AM »
yes ,,
thats how they wil be sourced most likely..

I've been working with Kaw for awhile on this actuially, and lurking around here a year or so..;)

Does Kaw have any warehouse stock of complete engines?? Will they manufacture complete engines for you?? Are you going to buy complete kx450f's and just remove the engines or is Kaw providing the roller chassis?? Buying used engines and doing complete rebuilds seems to be alot of time and effort. Thanks for your time on answering our questions.
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Re: KX500AF
« Reply #59 on: February 06, 2007, 05:58:38 AM »
the most likely scenerio is :

much like the cr  500af /afx  bikes--

 i would be buying complete kx450f bikes,

then building the kx500 engines for them from the new parts bin.

we've been testing this last 2 weeks,and really happy with the handling,susp etc.
it will have a proper pipe made up quickly and from there i shold be able to get it released fairly fast!

its a blast to ride, and i'm really stoked with how its coming along,  i think you guys will really like the final product.