Author Topic: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...  (Read 2228 times)

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Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« on: December 04, 2006, 02:18:08 AM »
My son and some friends wanted to go riding at a friends farm.  A friend of my son has only ridden quads, but it thinking about a bike.  My son offered his ride, while he would ride mine.  After an afternoon of cow patty busting, my son called me to let me know all is well, no one got hurt, nothing broke and the bikes ran well, but...  my bike just became his.  He said "I can do so much more on the 250 vs. my 125."  It was pretty wet, and he felt the 250 was easier to handle in the mud as it gained traction much easier then the 125.  (Could this have anything to do the lower gearing I installed...  :-o)  So he informed me, that the green beast is now his, and I need to get something else for me to ride.

Maybe this gives me an excuse to maybe shop for a 500...  :wink:  :wink:

Offline MadKaw

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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 03:32:26 AM »
Merry ChristmaS TO YOU!
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Offline kx666

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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 02:29:52 PM »
as a felow 99 yz125 owner, i do have to say i love the bike. but hopping on my k5 afterwords conferms that the 125 is just a toy :-D

good luck on finding your k5!

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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 07:21:34 AM »
Where do ya ride?   Since we're just across the river and all....
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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 08:27:41 AM »
If your looking for a good place to take a group of riders, a "semi" local place I like to get to at least 2-3 times per year is Crow Canyon.  They have a nice track, (the Laretta Lynn qualifier is held there), a mini track for the little ones, a bike shop is on site, and over 400 acres of trails.  Its in Uhrichsville Ohio.  From my door, its a 50 minute drive.  We like to go there with a large group of riders (10-20 both quads and bikes) and spend the day.  Its right off of route 250.  The last time we were there we called Dominos and had lunch delivered...  Other then that, I ride several local places, out near Route 27, in the Beech Bottom area , and behind Bruin Drive.   

What's good on your side of the river.

KX666 I bought the YZ125 for my son whwn he was 14.  He had just grown 6 inches and out grew the TTR.  He is now 16, goes about 235lbs, lives in the weight room, thinks he can take the old man (he probably can, but I won't admit to it).  I'll admit, the 125 is hard to handle in the tight woods.  I'm going to try some gearing changes, but I think its a lost cause. Once you go bigger, anytime you ride a smaller bike, it feels like a toy...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2006, 01:43:02 AM by eprovenzano »

Offline gwcrim

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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2006, 12:21:36 AM »
I've been to Crow Canyon just to watch several years ago.  Over here, the best spot is Wellsville/Yellow Creek.  I also ride around Bergholz (if you know where that is.)  I grew up there.

Drop me a note sometime you're going to CC.  My boy and I might want to tag along.  We normally ride alone.
You raise the blade
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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2006, 02:09:50 AM »
Well its official...  my son has officially taken over my KX250.  He feels he was able to do so much more of it vs. his YZ125 (could that be because its blue?) He went riding with his buddies, I went locally on the 125.  He said there were hills he wouldn't have considered will on the 125, that he didn't give a second thought on the 250. 

After riding a 250 for many years, I have to admit, its allowed me to be lazy.  Where I would normally just buzz up a hill, I had to do a little more work.  I had to be on my game the entire time. This is not a bad thing, as I was able to do everything I wanted, its just I had to do work a little harder to get there.   After the 1st of the year, I think I'll sell the little rocket, and look at something else for me...  at the very least, a 250, but maybe a 500....

Offline MadKaw

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Re: Son took "Dad's" bike out for a spin, he claims its his now...
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 06:07:27 PM »
happy searching, there are some nice 500's out there :evil:
Deviate from the Norm!
Father!...The sleeper has Awaken!!!

2001 Harley Sportster xlh1200
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