Hello everyone
it does not feel that good to be back from the dunes.
i had an awsome time!! and i saw a lot more K5s than usual. there was a lot of rain before the wind came, witch left all of the edges of the dunes torn up (like usual this time of year). Friday was raining hard (found a new leak in the trusty camper), satrday was perfect, blue sky, still cool.
one of the k5s that was down there was owned by a guy who races hydro-planes and his bike was compleatly built, ported/polished, milled head weghted flywheel boyseen reeds, balanced crank, stuffed cases and many more... by J $ D racing. i have heard good things from j & D. My k5 was running good, not her best but still really good, i tryed some different gearing for S&G's (15f-42r) but it was a little tall for the hills (only could pull 3rd up large hills) but i think that will be my gearing when i am done building my bike to my plans (i am just a young guy learning how to grind away). i raced this gentalman a number of times, until i felt bad for the guy and backed off the 1/2 throttle (it looked like i was racing a 125

the guy camped next to me had a cooler that was gas powered, and yes it holds a 6 pack AND YOU CAN GRAB A BEER WILE DRIVING IT!!
he also had a Margeritta maker that was gas powered w/ handlebars
oh yeah i almost forgot both of my legs are out of commition for "6-10 weeks" according to my doc (but what does he know)