I am hoping someone has a high tech solution that is practical.
Hmmm. High tech gadgets like a lo-jack would be great but you would have to have a tracking unit that could find it anywhere.. big job to accomplish.
Guns, dogs, explosives, 16 penny framing nails that pop out of the seat into the buttocks of the thief when the bike is outside of its maximum safe operating area... those sound much more fun

Get some insurance on your bike. Upgrade your homeowners policy with a rider/addon to cover it if it doesn't already. Upgrade your vehicle insurance the same to cover it when you are on the road. Did you know that most insurance policies won't cover your bike if it is stolen out of the bed of your truck? Did you know that if you were to wreck your truck and total it and the bike, the bike won't be covered? Did you know that even if you have the extra insurance on the bike in the back of your truck and that if it is not disabled (keys not in ignition) and locked up (chain/padlock) that you can be denied if it is stolen also? That goes for at home as well. Another suggestion to everyone, get your deductibles down to $100 and make sure to get your policy in hand and reviewed. Don't always trust your insurance agent to have heard what you wanted and to do the right thing. It is big business and the will find the red tape/loop holes in the stuff they do for a living, trust me.
Anyways, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
PS here is my watchdog... Get the Insurance ! ! !