Author Topic: How old are you?  (Read 15025 times)

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Offline TerMaaten KX500

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Re: How old are you?
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2008, 03:46:10 PM »
I love the looks you get with this thing too!!!  Not only when you show up that massive cylinder showing and ginormous gleaming shiny FMF Fatty pipe.... but the way people nearby have to turn around to look because they know somethings different as soon as they hear it fire up!  There's something deeper, meaner.. ballsier about the exhaust note of a big ol' 500cc two-stroke that either most of them have never heard before... or remember watching with awe as a kid.

GDogg, i hear ya on that. when i'm rippin' my 98 K5, i get thumbs up, people come closer, golfers come walk to the fence, i almost want to let someone else ride it so i can stand from a distance and really hear how it sounds.

i got my 98 K5 for $1,500 off Craigslist. i thought that was rare. but a 97 K5 for $1,250 is great.
2006 KX250 Mike Metzger Bike
1998 KX500