Cool thread. OK, here is my story:
It was 1984 and I had just graduated from high school. I had a 1983 Honda CR480, and I was pretty good at riding wheelies. I would start in 2nd gear, get the front end up, and then ride the wheelie, shifting into 3rd, 4th, and then 5th gear. I could actually ride them pretty far.
Anyways, I had just washed the bike, and a few friends were over, so I decided to impress them with my wheelie-riding ability. I jumped on the bike, no gear of course, and proceeded to ride a wheelie down the street. The front end came up, and I shifted into 3rd, and then 4th, and then as I was riding it by my friends, I looped it over backwards! I slid for a long ways on the road, and I had some serious scrapes on my elbows, back, and legs. No broken bones, but as I was sitting there regrouping myself, my vision went away, but I never lost consciousness. It was real weird. My vision came back, and I went inside the house, and I sent my mom to the drugstore to get bandages and a lot of Neosporin ointment.
I dreaded my dad coming home, and when he did, his first question was whether or not I was wearing my gear. After hearing me saying no, he just shook his head.
It was funny, that night I had a first date with a girl I really liked, and when I went to pick her up, I had all sort of bandages on. I didn't want her parents to see me like this, so I didn't get out of my car, and I just honked my horn in her driveway. Her parents probably thought I was a punk (maybe they were right?) but she came out and we went on our date and she was very sympathetic to my injuries!
Anyways, I am almost 41 years old now, and when I do a wheelie now, it isn't more than 6". I can look at my left hip, and I still have a tattoo consisting of road tar underneath my skin. And what do they say about tattoos? Oh yeah, a permanent reminder of a temporary idea!
