Author Topic: Some Humour  (Read 2124 times)

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Offline KXcam22

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Some Humour
« on: October 31, 2006, 10:57:46 AM »
 :-DOld Dirtbiker

An 80 year old man went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, "To what do you attribute your good health?"

The old timer said, "I'm a dirt biker and that's why I'm in such good shape. I'm up well before daylight on Sundays and out sliding around corners, "shootin" sand washes and riding up and down the steepest, gnarliest
hills I can find at the crack of dawn."

The doctor said, "Well, I'm sure that helps, but there's got to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?" The old timer said, "Who said my dad's dead?"

The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your dad's still alive? How old is he?"
The old timer said, "He's 99 years old and, in fact, he went riding with me this Sunday, and that's why he's
still alive... he's a dirt biker."

The doctor said, "Well, that's great, but I'm sure there's more to it. How about your dad's dad? How old was he when he died?"
The old timer said, "Who said my grandpa's dead?"

The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your grandfather's still living! How old is he?"
The old timer said, "He's 117 years old."

The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, "I guess he went dirt bikin' with you this Sunday too?"
The old timer said, "No... Grandpa couldn't go this week because he got married."

The Doctor said in amazement, "Got married!! Good Lord!!! Why would a 117-year-old guy want to get married?"


The old timer said, "Who said he wanted to?"

Offline Arigato

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Re: Some Humour
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2006, 03:08:28 PM »
I like it! :mrgreen:

Offline gowen

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Re: Some Humour
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 03:42:48 AM »
Haha! I was hoping that was a true story. I watched Carson Daily and they had a 108 year old man who was talking about running and seemed pretty healthy.. His son was 85 or so and looked as healthy as a 40 yearold.  Amazing.

Offline gowen

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Re: Some Humour
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2006, 03:44:05 AM »

Offline kx666

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Re: Some Humour
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 02:54:01 PM »
thats a good one.

i accationally go ridding with a 80 sum year old, and hes dam quick for an old guy.