Hi all, havent had a lot of spare ridding time latley due to a four wheel project and no decent rides on and crappy weather. But I did get down to the beach yesterday morning for a good old blast and really blew the cobwebs out of me and the bike!

Its been a while since I have been at the beach and god its amazing how much the landscape can change down there. Milions of tons of sand and peebles which have covered some tricky jagged rocks through a narrow part of the beach where the water can lap up against the cliffs if you do not check the tides before you set out. This has caught out a few riders over the years and they have been swamped by the sea. Not a good look

Verydamaging to ya gear also. I scored a good watch a few years back with the tidal range and moon phases on it so I always know when the conditions are good for a ride at the coast.
Any way seen 4 fur seals yesterday. One new mother with her dead pup washed up on the beach beside her. I managed to get quite close and check the pup out to see what killed it or if it had any injuries. Nothing. No holes or wounds. Unusal. I should take a kipper or 2 down next time. Give them a feed.

Sorry the pics are'nt that hot. Only had my phone camera.