A little update on the motor... Sweeetttt ! ! Ton of power and smooth as silk. Ported jug, head decked, new piston-seals-bearings, high comp on race gas, kevlar clutch with big springs and steel plates, Boyesen rad valve, welded and balanced crank, ported PWK carb with other goodies. Runs like a monster. Almost all of the engine vibration (80%) is gone due to the balanced crank.

The stock PWK carb is ported to around 40.5mm with some other on-the-down-low things done. Notice the gap between the slide and the throat/barrel of the carb? You can see through to the other side. Idles like a four stroke, pop didy pop pop ! ! Did I mention I like idle? Work done by our local grinder extraordinaire, ArtL. Special Thanks to Arigato for getting everything done for me! I just gave him the cash and Poof! New motor for me, thanks bro!