It was misty, and WET, but a ride is a ride. After spending the last week going through the bike, and fixing all the lack of maintenence issues (specifically all the rear spokes, they were all WAY loose, and siezed), I was ready for a ride. I spent Sun afternoon with my new KX5, and man am I impressed. After some much preferance suspension adjustments (the P/O was 250ish, and I am 155). I started to feel comfortable. The brakes are typicall KX.....adequate, but by no means perfect. I am pleasantly surprised, as far as mass, I figured the KX5 to be a tank, but it feels only a tad heavier than my old '97 KX250. I am guessing 240? The jetting is rich. I plan on stepping down one on the main, and one on the pilot. Gearing is a little high, I am thinking swapping from the 47 to a 49 (I am more of a MX'er and woods rider.) I also noticed a good amount of headshake, forks slid down flush into the triple tree should minimise this situation. As for the power, a violent hit off the bottom, and brutal midrange pull!! I plan on a port job to smooth out the initial hit. After that my 5 should be a fun, and versatile play bike. I CAN'T wait to get this beast out on the ice and really "feed it a snack" to feel some top end! Heres a few pics: