Author Topic: Rattle Snake Hunt '06  (Read 1804 times)

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Offline Danger4u2

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Rattle Snake Hunt '06
« on: April 24, 2006, 05:28:44 AM »
2006 Little Saraha (Okla. 4/22) Rattle Snake Hunt big success. My friends couldn't make it so I went by myself. I had a blast. Met and rode with so many people I could not keep up with the names. Everyone was up beat and having fun. Got there just after dark. No camping sites in the State Park so I parked in day parking. Unloaded the quad and chained up my bike and everything that would not fit in the truck. The kid parked behind me asked if I wanted to head out to the dunes. I didn't say yes, I said HELL YES, slamed my beer that I had just opened and off we went. This kid had no fear (high speed night riding can be dangerous) and a brand new YFZ 450. We rode about an hour, then headed back to see if his friends had make it to the site. They had and the party was on! We rode till 4 am. No place to camp so everyone slept in their trucks. 6:30 in the moring I was awoken by a runny nosed Park Ranger "You are camping in the day parking area you have to leave the park". Biggest day of the year, more people on Rattle Snake Hunt weekend than any other time of the year. Would not give us a break. So we packed up and went to a camping area in town. They have made an ATV/off road vehicle trail to and from town, but the dust was unbearable. Never have figured out, people will put an air filter on there bike/quad but not on their lungs. I can get a new bike, lungs are another story. I allways keep paper respirators in my truck and use them as needed. And boy were they needed this weekend. I took the K5 with me to ride to and from town only, kicker is not working so I have to have a pull start. Don't want to be in the dunes and accidently kill the bike with no kick start. No riding next week because I'm tearing into the bike to fix the kicker. I'll take lots of pictures of my repairs and post them. I have to have the K5 ready to roll when Alan comes up to Little Saraha in July. When it was all said and done, I had a good time, no red necks, no buzz killers,and didn't see any fights.

July 8/06--- Little Saraha State Park Oklahoma-- Be there or be square.

KX 500 Rider

Offline Timbowe

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Re: Rattle Snake Hunt '06
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2006, 09:56:04 AM »
Weapon in the hands of the Master