Looks pretty tidy. Problem is that these bike are not being manufactured any more and good one are becomming harder to find. Especially when they fall into the hands of a owner who realises thier potential and wont let them go. So eventually you will not see many around comming up on the market. Down here this is happening now. As with you part of the world, the KX500 is a realatively uncommon bike. The price, of unavailability reflects this big time. There is a 2002 model in a town quite close to me, which is tidy, about as tidy as the one you've seen, and they want $8500 N.Z. which equates to around 3000 pound. Or about $5700 U.S. So dont hold off too long. These bikes are not getting any younger. You'll wonder why you held off so long when you throw you're leg over and set off for a fang!