That's terrible that someone tried to rip your bike. Glad you stopped them. That is the number one reason I switched to the van in 1998, and blacked out the windows, and made sure there were not any motorcycle related stickers on the outside of the van, and have my concealed weapons permit, and carry my 9mm EVERYWHERE on my person.
Now that we are traveling and staying in various outback locations, I am a little more concerned. If someone decides to mess with us, we are on our own. I guess, the 12 gauge assault shotgun, three 9mm's with extra clips, 9mm rifle with 30 round clips, 308 rifle with 6x18 scope (in case they try and run), 357 magnum, and roughly 10,000 rounds of ammo will just have to act as a deterent. Hopefully, we will never have an issue, but if we do, I'll bet with all the lead that we can throw (and all of the guns are kept with full clips, safety off), we have a good chance of winning....