Mungatai isdone and dusted for another year. Quite hot and dry this year with heaps of dust (my eyeballs are red as beetroot while I sit here and tap this out) 30 degrees c. Rode 150 kms or about 96 miles at an average speed of 38.9 kmph, in a total time of 3:39:15. top speed of 141 kmph, according to my GPS. 5 people had to be frieghted to hospital in the meat wagons. 1 poor chap with a compound fracture of the lower leg! (thats when the bone protrudes out through the skin) Yeoww! Too many nobs with big cheque books who think they are top guns and get out there and grease off in the first 2 miles. Bad for our sport when the meat wagons have to be utillised.

We all had a brilloe day. Gizzard snaped a chain, Daz broke a clutch lever, Harry reckons he's bent a gear selector, and the dirty ol five sprung a leak in one of the radiators. One of the plastic guards rubbing against it looks to have worn through!

Should be not too much of a prob to fix. Got some pics but eye balls are not up to much more of this bright screen glaring back at me. Sooo maybe tommorrow.