we had the bike out a couple weekends ago.some guys held a put together race 5.00 to run.first week was a all of a sudden call.bike ran flat and we when out early.tried jets,timing etc at the field but no luck.red bike took it all (i built that one also).next week i knew a little earlier and decided to check things.compress.
was good,started easy but power valve lever was not working.move with hand.took pipe off and it worked there,next came the cover and wha la.clip off primary gear off,gear chewed up nylon spur on gov.fixed it when to the field drew red bike and went thru neck and neck.flagmen looked at each other twice and gave the win to the red bike(guy is hometown favorite).this was with timing retarded.red bike motor is sitting on my porch.(too close for him).he is the man to beat in 400 ft drags.but they're in trouble this year!