Update! Dave set up kxriders.com to go directly to pitbull! So at least if some one just types in KX riders they may find us! Also I did a google search on the name KX riders an we were on page 2!
Thanks Dave!
Alan, just a consideration:
Whenever I do a google search for anything: I always look for a discussion forum. Let's say I was trying to find a F150 Forum. I'm going to try to search in google, F150 forums. We are top for KX Forums. But if you search note this: What is in the body content of the HTML script will show up on google. Read the attachment for example.
An idea would be in the same color as the background, put a hidden KX500 forums, KX 500 forums, KX250 forums, KX 250 forums. As the smallest font and same color as the back ground. That is how google works. Example: