WOW, Danger.. You have awesome Photoshop skills! I use Photoshop, but not as good as you.. That looks insane!
This is proof: It's not what you know. But what you make them think you know.
I wish I could take credit for the cool slide show but I can't. That's what happens when you have good parents.
Here's how I did it. I set the camara on a tripod, I used my camara remote to snap the pictures. Everyone has to hold real still or you will see movement of the people still in the picture. Each time I would have one of the guys (oop's one of the guys is Debbie) get out of the picture when I took the shot. When I run slide show with my software @ 1 second the people just disappear. The credit has to go to Pitbull-Racings slide show soft ware. I have tried to duplicate the same thing on my computer and have not been able to do it. It all most looks like Star Trek, beam me up Scotty. Play with some of the other transitions it's kind of cool. This site does not let you choose no transition. No transition looks cool also, the people just disappear. Sorry I can't take credit I don't deserve.