I'm trying to keep from being mushey on you guys, but I have alot to be thankful about.
It's been 1 year and 14 days since I did a low speed looping of my K5.
I ruptured my patella tendon.
I can bend my knee about 115 degrees with no pain, that was my goal, I say that WAS my goal. I reset the goal to full use of my knee.
I would like to thank everyone, and all that are associated with this site.
You guys don't know this but this site and it's members were good therapy for my knee.
Because you guys make this site interesting to read, surf, and just look at the pictures, it made me want to get on the computer. My computer is in the office that's down the hill from my house. I started out with crutches for about 4 months. Then went to a cane for 2 months. Then I would just carry the cane and use it at the stairs. Now I'm cane free, I'm back to work full time, I can walk with no limp, and I'm learning how to run again. Best of all I'm back on my bikes. I can sum this all up with one word.