Author Topic: Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red  (Read 6833 times)

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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« on: April 17, 2003, 04:42:17 AM »
Hi gang! I am looking at buying a newer KX5 to take advantage of the readily available parts and improved suspension. My '87 is a great bike, but harder and harder to keep looking like new. I think 1996 is the last year where I can get a green sticker. Does this sound right, or is it actually 1997? Thanks.  :D

Offline Paul

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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2003, 04:46:54 AM »
Come move to Arizona and don't worry about it  :shock:  :lol:


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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2003, 05:21:02 AM »
Dont tempt me! I went to ASU for two years, and lived in Scottsdale for 7 years afterwards. I love AZ!


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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2003, 11:32:28 AM »
No more red sticker program in California, when I registered my 2000 KX 500 two months ago they gave me a red sticker at DMV. I just recieved my tile from DMV and with it was a green sticker! Just had a friend re-new his registration on 02 YZ 426 and they sent him a green sticker. There was a post on another message board that explained the new law in CA, but I can't remember exactly what it stated. I believe any off road bike now gets a green sticker in Ca. and when you renew your red sticker bike you will recieve a green one.


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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2003, 05:46:13 AM »
my 98 registered up green last year


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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2003, 07:15:08 AM »
Cool!  :D  I guess that means that now the only things I need to truly consider is whether there is a significant reason to buy anything newer than say a '96? Obviously the newer it is, the less wear it will have (usually). Is there anything technically better in the 2003's than on say, a '96? They haven't changed much.

My other thought is to keep the '87 KX5 and then go buy a KTM 525EXC.  See how four stroke power and cutting edge chassis measures up. :shock:


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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2003, 08:06:08 AM »
Im not sure but i think 97 vs 98 is that a 98 has starter decompressor.  Im sure someone knows for sure.  I like those ktm 520's.  I have always wanted to try a ktm 380 on a mx track.


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from ohv dept of ca
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2003, 08:09:25 AM »
SACRAMENTO ? Attention California off-highway motorcycle and ATV owners:  The Department of Motor Vehicles is notifying all owners that the type of registration sticker that is issued this year may be different than the one that was previously issued.

 The California Air Resources Board has off-highway vehicle exhaust emissions standards that include the way that your off-highway vehicles are built for use in the state, how they are registered by the DMV and when they are ridden on public lands.

 To facilitate enforcement in the field, all 2002 model year and older OHVs regardless of emissions standards will be ?grand fathered? into the Green Sticker category.  Those 2002 model year and older, having a 2004 expiration on their Red Sticker will be issued a new 2004 Green Sticker by the DMV, as a replacement through the mail.  Those having a Red Sticker expiring in 2003 will be issued a Green Sticker after paying the renewal of registration fees to DMV. Additionally, Green Stickers will be issued to all 2003 and newer OHVs that are certified by their manufacturer to meet California?s OHV emission standards for year-round use at all California OHV riding areas.

 Red Stickers are issued to 2003 model year and newer OHVs that are not certified to California OHV emission standards.  Owners will be issued a Red Sticker if the vehicle is a 2003 model year or newer vehicle, and the owner sees a ?C? or ?3? in the eighth digit of the VIN.

Riding OHV vehicles with a Red Sticker may be seasonal only depending on the area you ride.  A list of seasonal riding periods is available by telephoning the Air Resources Board at (800) 242-4450, or on the web at

The California Air Resources Board adopted OHV emission standards in 1994 to reduce the contribution from OHV emissions to California?s air pollution problem. In addition, a system of seasonal riding areas, based on local air quality patterns, was established to allow the use of new vehicles that do not meet the minimum standard.

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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2003, 08:23:52 AM »

Wow, all that just to ride? I knew I left California for a reason...


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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2003, 07:08:08 PM »
Seems DMV was a little messed-up and this was an easier solution than trying to fix the red Vs green stickers on used bikes.  

Now we are all going to get green stickers in CA, but won't be able to ride because none of the bikes can meet the 96db sound limit.  My stock KX500 with a brand new FMF Turbine II tested at 98.9 db. :roll:

Offline Paul

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Year cut-off for getting a California green sticker vs. red
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2003, 08:04:24 PM »
We have a local club that requires less than 100db at 20" for thier enduro and with a fresh packed stock silencer my 500 registers 95db. Just something to think about...