Author Topic: KX 500 Works Connection Frame Guard Fitment Issue / Subframe wear protection  (Read 1131 times)

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Offline bwojo546

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  Brand new to this so hopefully I don't screw up too bad.

First issue
  I am in the final stages of a KX 500 build and I have run into a bit of an issue and am looking for some advice, pictures, ideas, etc.  I purchased a set of works connection frame guards for the bike.  The right side (rear brake) fits perfect.  The left side (shifter side) does not.  The frame guard does not sit flush (see picture).  The frame curves out (where my finger is in picture).  There is spacer welded on the back of the frame guard that is supposed to sit flush on the frame (backside of top chain roller mount).  The problem is there is a gap.  If I tighten it up it will bend the frame guard.  I have seen many pictures of bikes with these frame guards so I am sure I am doing something wrong but would really like some advice.

Second issue
  The reason I bought the frame guards in the first place was to cover or hide whatever I end up doing to protect the backside of the subframe from chain wear.  I have read ideas of a fixing a hose, metal or plastic to the backside of the subframe.  I can't find any pictures (I am probably not looking in the right spot).  If anyone has any pictures or ideas on what they have done to solve this would be greatly appreciated.  Ideally if someone has protected the backside of the subframe and used the frame guards would be great.

I can't seem to attach pictures very sorry.

Thank you for any help.