Author Topic: KX500?  (Read 6905 times)

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« on: February 04, 2003, 11:58:34 AM »
Why are YZ490's faster then KX500's?


Offline Paul

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« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2003, 12:10:23 PM »
I'm afraid I can't vouch for that one as I've never been beat by a YZ490, BUT... if I had to guess it would be a difference in setup.


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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2003, 11:55:15 PM »
I have to agree on the setup thing.I am running 2 teeth more
on the back and have raced a 490 and beat it on top speed
and take off.Also the rider is the biggest factor,but my kx5
is much easier to ride than the 490,the 490 reminds me of a
125 powerband a lot of hit that is harder to control.

Offline alan

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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2003, 03:58:27 AM »
Well since I own one of each, :oops:  I can tell you what  I See, with regard to stock "87" YZ490 and stock "01" KX500. In all fairness to the YZ490 it is an awesome monster for its time. If Yamaha had continued to improve the 490 it would be indeed a different story. :shock:

There is no question about the handling the KX is much more forgiving. The KX also puts the power to the ground much better. :lol:  I also agree with the comment about the YZ490's power band being similar to a 125, although I think I would compare it more to a strong 250! :P

The real challenge owning both, is to see how close I can get my YZ to performing like the KX! :)
The obvious place to start is with the power band, there is some pretty radical carb tuning that has been perfected, which I am about to make on my YZ, which is reported by people in the know to make a similar difference to the reed spacer in the KX. :)

My KX is no longer stock since I added a reed spacer and an FMF pipe. I also have a FMF pipe on my YZ so they are equal there. I am going to machine a reed spacer for the YZ in the next couple of weeks and see if it has similar results. :wink:  My buddies in the YZ club think I am on drugs, they just can't imagine how moving the reeds out 3/8" can do anything! Well will see about that! :twisted:  No one makes them, so I may have something to sell my Bud's. :lol:

The YZ is much lighter in the front end and when you hit the power band and you have traction you might find yourself sitting on the ground in behind the bike. :cry:  The 490 has always had a problem with detonation, which I think has a lot to do with being air cooled, not to much can be done there. :(

Bottom line, what a fun project, 8)  I wouldn't give either one of them up! :D  I love to ride them both! :) The explosive power of the YZ490 is a blast to ride! :wink:

One more thing, The YZ490 starts ever time 1st or second Kick! Hot or cold 1 week six weeks! :lol:  I can't say the same for my KX, although it is a lot better with the reed spacer! :o


PS - "Don't Make POO POO on the YZ490!"    
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KX500 VS YZ490
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2003, 05:21:04 AM »
Well, I'm just messing with Paul as I think he post the same question on asking why a KX500 is faster then a YZ490? I cant be sure if it was him since it was posted anon. But I think I'm close? LOL

I think the YZ490 and KX500 would be very close and the KX500 I would think would keep most of its power being water cooled. I know my YZ490 is very hard to control when the power comes on.

Maybe when I ride Alan's KX500 I will be able to tell more... I'm looking at purchasing a KX500 once I feel up some money.


Offline Paul

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Re: KX500 VS YZ490
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2003, 06:13:40 AM »
Sorry Dave, wasn't me. Probably was Alan though :lol:
Quote from: ButtRash
Well, I'm just messing with Paul as I think he post the same question on asking why a KX500 is faster then a YZ490? I cant be sure if it was him since it was posted anon. But I think I'm close? LOL

Offline alan

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Re: KX500 VS YZ490
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2003, 08:40:45 AM »
Quote from: KX500
Sorry Dave, wasn't me. Probably was Alan though :lol:
Quote from: ButtRash
Well, I'm just messing with Paul as I think he post the same question on asking why a KX500 is faster then a YZ490? I cant be sure if it was him since it was posted anon. But I think I'm close? LOL

Hey Paul, Wasn't Me Dude! :shock:
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Offline Paul

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« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2003, 09:08:18 AM »
I wonder if it was Crazy? :shock:

Offline alan

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« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2003, 09:10:43 AM »
Quote from: KX500
I wonder if it was Crazy? :shock:

I know my KX is faster than my YZ
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Re: KX500 VS YZ490
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2003, 11:30:12 AM »
Quote from: KX500
Sorry Dave, wasn't me. Probably was Alan though :lol:
Quote from: ButtRash
Well, I'm just messing with Paul as I think he post the same question on asking why a KX500 is faster then a YZ490? I cant be sure if it was him since it was posted anon. But I think I'm close? LOL

Hmmm, you never know about Alan!  :lol:


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YZ vs KX
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2003, 05:23:19 PM »
I Can't say I've had a 490YZ or even ridden one , But I traded my WR500 on my new KX5'er back in 97. I said to people "Ive never ridden a KX500 but if it's got the equivalent Readies that the Big Yammy gave me , I'll be happy" I was wrong. The K-Vette is better on every Count.

Who else out there has owned a WR500 ??


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« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2003, 04:34:02 AM »
Having both bikes, Ido know the difference, the yz is old school, super high compression,needs 108 octane gas. The kx developes power in a different way, so it can run on pump gas.  Hey, both bikes will kill you! Alan and I are members of the yz490 club, if you want to learn lots about trouble shooting, check it out.    Mike Kraft

Offline alan

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Re: yz490/kx500
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2003, 10:24:13 AM »
Quote from: yzmike
Having both bikes, Ido know the difference, the yz is old school, super high compression,needs 108 octane gas. The kx developes power in a different way, so it can run on pump gas.  Hey, both bikes will kill you! Alan and I are members of the yz490 club, if you want to learn lots about trouble shooting, check it out.    Mike Kraft
Hey Mike! You have a YZ490 and a Kx500 we musty be the only people in the world that have both! :o I am running Klotz octane boost in my YZ No more detonation problems. Check out the site also.

Alan :D
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