Author Topic: Snowwwwwwwww  (Read 5001 times)

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Offline Johnniespeed

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« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2005, 11:42:48 AM »
Both dirt bikes and skiing is risky on the body.  I seem to take a worse beating on the bike.  When I ski I stay away from trees, but on the bike trails I dont have that option. I like going fast fast fast, I dont care if it is on water skis, snow skis or dirt bike. I dont know why the thrill of speed excites me but it does!  When a tiny mistake will cause great bodily harm, that is when I want to go faster. Why else would I get rid of a perfectly good 250 and buy a KX500? I was told the top speed of my KX500 was about 96mph with stock sprockets. All I know is that my eyes shake real bad when I am at full throttle and the trees wizz by real fast.
Spring is here and the Mighty 500 wants to ride.
 2004 KX500 E16
 Michigan has the best groomed and mapped trail system, check out the Cycle Conservation Club of Michigan trail maps.

Offline GDubb

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« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2005, 03:52:21 PM »
I miss skiing. Havent been in probably 6 years. I've been to Titus Mountain, NY.. Red River, NM.. Breckinridge, CO.. Keystone, CO.. Arapaho Basin, CO.. Hoodoo, OR and Mt Hood Meadows, OR.  I have been planning on making it at least once this year since I am now living in Washington and have friends here that ski while most of my skateboarding buddies down in Oregon were more into snowboarding which I havent been too fond of even though I have given it a try about 3 times. Deffinitely an expensive sport/hobby.
Rock it 'til the wheels fall off!

"It's not what you ride... It's who you're riding for!" - -