Well time for an overdue update, as usual.
We are now back on track and looking better than ever. Glad I went this route vs the bent tubing, as fab fitment was way easier and looks about 1000x nicer as well.
Still took a bit of finessing on the 'adapter' pieces that go near the swingarm pivot. It seems that somehow they aren't evenly the same distance off center, Which made the right side require a bit more work on the belt sander to get it to fit in tight. But in the scheme of things, still pretty easy.
Welds turned out looking super nice and everything looks pretty factory now, the taper I put in to transition from the yoke to the 1" rails looks fantastic and seamless.

Also, the brembo rear master mated up great and welded in easily. I sanded down the face weld to make it look as stock as possible and it turned out looking really nice. Also glad I put in the recesses for the button head allen bolts (which will be replaced with some Ti pieces don't worry the rusty bolts are going ASAP).

Now she is looking like a bike again! Have the '15 plastic fitting up pretty nicely, and a '13-'15 kx250f seat to tie it all together.

Got a hold of one of Chad Reeds used THINK Seatfoams so I will be using this seat base as a mold and making a carbon fiber base, then the THINK seat froam on top, with a MotoSeat cover. Should be pretty trick.

Next steps are to quickly get some motor mounts measured and made up, then send the engine off to Mike 'Sandblaster' and he's going to assemble the bottom end for me. In that meantime I will be finishing up the Brembo front and rear caliper bracket design, as well as a CNC ignition cover with electronics adapter in the top, and a CNC clutch side cover with all the water pump and kips removed.
Stay tuned!