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All about reed spacers -

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I wanted to consolidate the various tidbits of info on the reed spacer:

A reed spacer is one of the best mods going for the KX500 and makes a noticeable improvement in low to midrange power quantity and smoothness.  It is even better when combined with good jetting and aftermarket reeds such as the Vforce (or boysen dual-stage for cheapskates like me).  Moose racing makes a nice 10mm thick one for cheap or it is very easy to build one out of a 3/8" (10mm) piece of aluminum.  You could also use other materials such as phenolic or micarta.  3/8" is the best thickness in terms of carb clearance. I made mine out of 1/2" aluminum but the carb barely clears the frame.

How to build:
   From experience, I would recommend no thicker than 3/8".  I built mine in under an hour, using a drill press to cut out the inside with a series of small fast holes.  Cut the outside contour with a hacksaw and file to a nice finish.  The inside contour doesn't see flow so can be left rough. As a suggestion measure the reed cage (don't just trace the gasket) otherwise the spacer may be too large inside.  I have some pics in my gallery.

What it does:
   The reed spacer increases and focuses the power down lower in the powerband at the slight expense of top end power. The loss of top end is often not noticable.  Combined with reeds, this gave my bike the midrange bark I was looking for.

How it works (or at least as I understand it):
   The reed tips protrude slightly into the transfer port flow (up & down) at the rear of the cylinder, causing turbulence at the reed tips which impedes the intake flow at lower RPM.  The spacer pulls the tips back out of the flow. The increase in intake volume and length also tunes the power lower in the band.

Hope this consolidation helps somebody. Cam.

Thanks for your indepth reply.


Thanks KXcam22  I just bought one and have not installed it yet, the weather is almost too cold now to ride, so I think it will be a spring thing. The insight on theory is always appreciated.

I still need more INFO!

When I first joined the forum I ask "what mod should I do first"? Unanimously the answer was reed spacer, pipe and V -Force reeds! So I installed a reed spacer and FMF Gnarly pipe and was amazed in the change in performance!         

This is my Question: What is the technical explanation for why it works so well? What is the limits in performance based on the thickness of the spacer, the one I installed in my KX5 was .308 inches! What if 1 inch would fit?

So has anyone done any research on when and how they work?

Alan :-D

I just found this!

Simply put, the Reed Spacer improves the velocity of the air/fuel mixture entering the cylinder. The result is; Increased Mid-Range Horsepower and widening of the midrange (where most of us ride) torque = pulling power. The spacer goes between the cylinder and the reed cage. Why is our kit the best on the market ? Because; First the Trenga Racing Reed Spacer is the correct thickness, determined from bench-flow testing, to give you torque and horsepower gains. Some of the kits being sold aren't even thick enough to do what they are supposed to.


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