By now I'd say most of you guys know what is being done to lesson clutch pull.
1. Straighten the cable a bit where the metal shield is at. And make sure the cable is new.
2. Cool aftermarket clutch perches.
3. Extended clutch puller arms.
4. Hydraulic clutch.
5. Basket and hub in good condition.
The other day Jason Tanner finally confided in me some ideas he has.... I think each one has merit but we need to be able to test each one out. Out of respect for Jason's idea's I can post pics of what he came up with. But I will be posting results from each experiment to see what can be done.
Any idea's you may have would be welcome. We are looking for simple effective idea's that can be done by most guys with limited tools. (Like me).
The first thing we did was put together a mock up testing stand.. Nothing better the genuine Kawi parts

Once we get this together we will be doing some really cool testing so stay tuned..