In addition to the tanks (which I could bore you with all day), they had airplanes and helicopters. My father-in-law was a salesman for Aviaexport, which was responsible for selling Russian equipment to foreign countries. He knew many of the famous Russian designers, and had a ton of stories about the planes and helicopters. I'll only bore you with one: the Mi-26. First off, the dang thing is enormous. I had my son stand in the picture for scale. My FIL told us a great story about trying to sell the first few helicopters to the Indians and the Iraqis. The Indians were desperate for a heavy lift copter to get troops and supplies to Kashmir to fight the Pakistanis, so they basically just ignored all his warnings and bought them sight unseen. Of course everything he warned them about (don't exceed the hours limits, parts will be tight the first years of production) they later complained about. Sounded a lot like my customers.
The Iraqis were more cagey. They wanted to trade in their Mi-6 helicopters, and asked for every flight test you could imagine. Most of these were done near Moscow. They were interested, but wanted one more test before they would buy. They asked for the copter to be flown to the very southern part of Russia to the dessert where temperatures were close to what you would see in Iraq. They wanted to see the 26 at max load (22 English tons) hover at 8,000 feet. My FIL arranged for the local aircraft factory to loan them some pig iron and the helicopter was loaded. The pilot wisely kept the fuel load low, both to avoid a long period under stress and to keep the weight down. As they were about to take off, the Iraqi general said to my FIL, "Aren't you coming?". Of course he had not planned to go, because it would be a rough ride, but he could not look his customer in the eye and say he wasn't going. He said it was the roughest ride he had ever been on, and he was extremely happy to land. The Iraqis ended up buying the helicopters, and we blew them up in Desert Storm.

In addition to the big helicopter they had a ton of jets, including a Mig-25. The engines on this thing are huge. It was built to intercept the SR-71 (good luck with that), and was rumored to be able to exceed Mach 2.5 easily. Of course it wouldn't turn worth a flip, and all-in-all was considered a failure.