2007 KX250, jetting is perfect, float level is perfect, stock carb is clean as it gets, ultrasonic and brushed. cleaner than from the factory.
All vent hoses are new no pinches, new fuel line, with inline filter, flowing fine, installed to hopefully eliminte the following issue, with no results.
V-force3 reed block, fmf gnarly, T2. no compression leaks.
Here's the situation, and I'm at my witts end trying to narrow it down.
Fast shallow whoop section, in the pipe 4th gear, second bump, goes lean, like I'm running out of gas, I chop the throttle, the slide closes, pull in the clutch, still screamin it's head off, feather the clutch and it drops back down to normal Idle. it only does this in this same condition, smooth straights no issue, only in the whoops, or in a heavy G-out and it is inconsitant, as in it doesn't do it every time, but those are the conditions where it occurs.
I have checked the float height, I have replaced the floats, and the fuel needle, cleaned the seat, all of the circuits in the carb are clean and smooth.
Any issues with crank seals causing issues like this?