Thats a cool story! I did not mention that about 3 years ago I tried the dark side, my pal said try out his four stroke, had a bit of a play on a bit of flat waste land and thought i'm in, bought a 15 hour old YZF and took it to my local track with my brand new TLD predator gear, carbon neck brace carbon helmet etc! Ok it's time to hit the track, corner one fine, corner two at the bottom of a down hill with one dry line of about 1 meter wide, let go of throttle and engine braking pulls my weak sorry arse into the sloppy mud, gas it it and stalled (guessing was badly jetted), try kick starting it no luck, I had a watch on the bar pad to keep an eye on the time, 20 minutes later still there kicking the POS over, so I drag bike through the swamp and stand on the wooden fence pole and jump in the air and put every thing in to it, bike starts yeah!!! Well thats what I thought, never hit a jump on 4 joke before, yep I have watched Ronnie Mac doing goon riding endo's and found myself mimicking the style like a buckaroo rodeo rider, managed two laps, pull off the track as not feeling so good, track owner see's me and runs over after I take my helmet off! He says "you are whiter than your TLD gear" did not realise I was having an asthma attack and was a stone throw away from death (I quit smoking after that), track owner says am I alright and I say ill be fine I will go back out in a bit, track owner says no you don't look right here's your money back go home and come another day! I try and kick start the thing, no joy, track owner says pull this little lever over here and bang she fires up! Ok nobody told me what that lever was about when I bought it

, needless to say I took it home whacked it on ebay and sold it two days later, my love of four strokes never started, probably the most embarrassed I have ever been in my life, was like an R Kelly moment in reverse, my mind is telling me yes buy my body's telling me no!