Author Topic: Possible 07 kx 450 purchase 1500  (Read 2751 times)

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Offline whitedog

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Possible 07 kx 450 purchase 1500
« on: February 26, 2018, 04:12:46 AM »
Hello folks.
 My very good friend is considering  buying a new bike, and wants to sell me his 07 kxf 450. He has owned it & “trail ridden” with me for the past 5 years. I think he is the 3rd owner of the bike, and i am almost certain the engine has never been into.
So heres the deal... his dealer tells him it is in desperate need of a top end. And of course- the bottom should be done as well. - and offered him 1000$ Fot it, on trade for an ‘18 rm450.
Friend tells me $1500 and its mine.  I would more than likely do the engine work myself. And would also like to be able to do Some  Engine performance upgrades.
Thing is I am a two-stroke guy & need some advice.  How much money will I have in the basic top end job and crank rebuild? Also what can I do to make this thing a little more badass and still run pump gas? Cams exhaust etc.?
Is there anything I need to know in particular good or bad about the 07 KX450?

Thank you very much for any replies
Owner of a Johnny Cash K5  "Well... its an 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90..."
Thanks Floyd... thanks for NOTHIN' !"