I had one of those really great days in the shop today. I tackled a number of nagging issues, and was able to solve them all. It felt a little like a blind squirrel finding a nut, but I'll take it.
I got my radiators in from ICW on Friday. Brett turned them around in less than a week, and the work is really nice. If you need some radiator work, he is very easy to work with. I attached a picture of them both.
I was able to make the two stroke radiators work by raising the tanks 1" and having Brett modify the tanks. The second picture is the brackets I made out of 1/8" x 1" aluminum strap. I used thread inserts and rivnuts to attach the radiators to the brackets.
I have never seen my bike together as a four stroke, so I don't know how the four stroke radiator braces work, but the tab on the frame is at a seriously weird angle. I was able to make a series of bends in some aluminum strap to tie the two stroke radiators to the frame. They feel very secure. All I need to do now is to get the transfer hoses cut and installed, and lengthen the top hose and I should be done with radiators.
I got a really good start on my head stay. It has been a nagging concern of mine, because there is no where to tie on the the frame like the two strokes are done. I came up with a 3/16" steel, very stout bridge that uses the stock two stroke head stays to the cylinder head, and ties in to the frame where the four stroke head stays mount. Most importantly it is above the level of the cylinder head so that it can control forward motion. It's still very ugly, so I didn't get a picture yet. I'll be finishing up some reinforcements and cleaning it up next weekend, so I'll get some pictures then.
The suspension comes in tomorrow, so I should have some rolling pictures for you guys very soon. I should have it done about the time it gets stupid hot around here.