i have just introduced myself in other topic. But need to write that im from Polan so my language could be difficult to read

I had an opportunity to buy bike for really cheap but without any information about the condition of the moto and... neverthenless i decided to buy this .... KX
so this is a really old one KX and when they just droped the bike from a bus i realized that this is a pieace of crap (just on the first look)
I just put the money to the seller pocket and put the bike to my garage.
I live in a small villege near a small city so in any free time i have a chance to ride on bike and work on it in my garage.
I will upload the pictures very soon just to show you how this bike looks on the begining.
what was the condition:
1. both fenders demaged and just from tottally differend bike (front from KTM, back i think UFO or something)
2. side plastics deamged
3. no brakes on the front (demaged pump and no break pads)
4. almost 0 brakes on the back
5. engine starts every kick but reaction on the gas was really poor, engine can't start to have a higher RPM
7. lot of leaks of oil (on gear schifter and clutch gasket
8. front rack ... almost sharp
so the bike was pretty crap, i speend already lot of hours just to give another life to this bike and it finally works fine!
I have reapired almost whole technical issues so breaks are finally works, engine works propertly with lot of torque (beacuse for me this is first bike ever, i feel really scary on in it.. i need to learn to drive right now)
I still have a lot of issues with this how this bike looks (beacuse of devastaed plastic parts and lots of another problem) so i hope that i will be able to find help here