Author Topic: Gas Prices - New Road Bike!  (Read 10084 times)

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Offline gowen

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Gas Prices - New Road Bike!
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2005, 07:44:25 AM »
BTW, have you ridden the Yamaha Road-Star Warrior which is a 1700 super cruiser just about. I'm about an inch from purchasing one just for a relaxing cruise. They are.... well... FAAAAST.  Check it out, you don't have to buy JUST a kawasaki just cause they made a good dirtbike. If you want my honest oppinion, Kawasaki didn't ever really make a good bike besides the vulcan. I've been pretty d**n pleased with my Yamaha's, but we are talking apples and oranges here. :-) Good luck with your purchase and it is really an awesome ride, but I'm just into the super power of the sportbikes/super cruisers. That is why I have a KX500. :-)

Offline Timbowe

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Gas Prices - New Road Bike!
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2005, 07:29:52 PM »
One of the the local notorious gang members from round here won the lottery a few years back, a couple of mill. Decided to go get him a Boss Hoss. He rips past my place on it [ when he's got a licence or big enough balls if he has'nt]. Shes a weapon!! Friggin ugly tho..
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Boss Hoss
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2005, 07:31:17 PM »
Boss hoss.V8 Chev power.
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Offline alan

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Gas Prices - New Road Bike!
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2005, 09:10:02 AM »
The latest on my new Kawie Mean Streak! Saturday afternoon I went to Edge Motor Sports the Kawasaki dealer in El Paso! They sent one of there guys up to Roswell, NM (410 miles round trip) to pick up my 05 Mean Streak! They normally close at 6:00 PM on Saturdays, but they said they would stay till my bike made it in so I could have it for the weekend! Well it finally arrived in the rain around 7:00 PM and it was supposed to have been serviced buy the other dealer! When they went to start it, nothing! Well to make a long story a little shorter, The bike had not been serviced, no acid in the battery and the starter switch was unplugged under the tank, which indicated that the other dealer may have used it on another bike and replaced it with a defective switch! Anyway they next day aired the part and I will be able to pick it up on Tuesday!

So if anyone wonders why I buy Kawasaki products, Saturday night the dealer, his wife, his son, the service manager and the gentleman that drove 410 miles, stayed till after 9:00 PM to try and have my bike ready for me to ride! They even offered to have one of their mechanics come in on Sunday and get it going for me! And did I also mention after all of that they drove me 15 miles out of there way to take me home!

So next time I say I may buy a new toy, please don't bring up any other brands! " RIDE KAWASAKI'S! " LET

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Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2005, 10:49:31 AM »
Quote from: Timbowe
Boss hoss.V8 Chev power.

Sorry mate but that's just an ugly lump of pig iron in my opinion, I don't think I could handle being passed by kids on scooters when going through the twisties :oops:

I must admit that I don't really "get" cruisers though so perhaps I am the wrong person to comment.

Offline alan

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Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2005, 12:24:56 PM »
Quote from: demographic
Quote from: Timbowe
Boss hoss.V8 Chev power.

Sorry mate but that's just an ugly lump of pig iron in my opinion, I don't think I could handle being passed by kids on scooters when going through the twisties :oops:

I must admit that I don't really "get" cruisers though so perhaps I am the wrong person to comment.

I have seen one of those Boss Hogs in a bike shop and I have to admit they are a big chunk of iron!

I will tell you if I could ride a 636 Ninja that would be my choice! However I have 6 bulging disc 5 in my neck and one in my low back! I can't ride all bent over holding up my neck!  

I think cruisers are pretty cool, because you can make them look anyway you want!

I rode the 03 1500 and the power reminds me of my KX5 !

So I hope you were not referring the Mean Streak as a big hunk of iron!
The power is just scary!

Alan :D
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Offline Timbowe

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RE: Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2005, 01:12:27 PM »
You gotta remember this is a gang member we're talking bout here..... Corners are of no concern in the slightest. All bikes have thier place. That said I'm a sports biker. The more torque and light weight in combo the better.
 I've spent 5 years and thousands of $$$ perfecting a 92 Ducati superlight. But now its my perfect machine. Not that I get to use it much. :(  But shes a rush to be on!
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Offline Danger4u2

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Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2005, 01:21:56 PM »
Quote from: demographic
Quote from: Timbowe
Boss hoss.V8 Chev power.

Sorry mate but that's just an ugly lump of pig iron in my opinion, I don't think I could handle being passed by kids on scooters when going through the twisties :oops:

I must admit that I don't really "get" cruisers though so perhaps I am the wrong person to comment.

You don't get cruisers, because you've never been on a Honda VTX 1800.
The VTX doesn't like corners, but it will get off the line in a hurry. Don't even think about shifting to 5th gear unless your going 85 mph. Fuel injection, 3 valves, and 2 spark plugs per 900cc jug. Not many stock cruisers will hang with a stock VTX.
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Offline Timbowe

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RE: Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2005, 07:46:42 PM »

passed by kids on scooters when going through the twisties

 Demo I used to own an Italjet Dragster 180. Had a few small mods done including a very nice tuned length Arrow expansion chamber with cabon fibre stinger silencer. I used to have great pleasure in blowing off Hardly Dangerous's and the like through the twisties round here. Took it to a few rallies and would sneak up behind people on thier big ol cruisers, they would see me comming and gas it. Cant be passed by a scooter!! But through the twisties They were no problem to catch up on. And slip past on the tightest corner.
 That thing was fast up to 60 mph after that not much left. So on the straights vrooom past again. Great fun.
 Sold the thing though. My last dog used to travell on the running boards to work with me ever day. She died and the new boy wont have a bar of it. Poof that he is. Plus the rego got up to the point where it was worth more to rego than the car. So down the road it went. That when I renewed my interest in theoffroad scene.
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Offline GDubb

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RE: Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2005, 04:27:28 PM »
My .02... which Im sure almost none of you will appreciate...  Id take a "Hardley Dangerous" as you say, over one of those "Japanese Imitation Hardley's" any day of any week. Just because its all about character. HD means something, just like a VW bug or a VW bus.... they may be crap to others... but there's just something about them, they have character.  But then again Im an American... I like things loud, fast, obnoxious, leaking oil, and reeking of gasoline!
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RE: Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2005, 04:36:00 PM »
Oh, one more thing.... just so you guys dont think I'm rice bashing...

As far as rice rockets go... Id be happy on any of them... YFZ, CBR, ZX, GSXR... they're all bada$$ and fast as hell.  The cruisers are just a whole other story for me.
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Offline Timbowe

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RE: Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2005, 07:46:09 PM »
You like American... I'm more of the Italian persuasion. Those Japanese road rockets are sorted now days. They are just too fast tho.... The local Honda outfit down here had a demo day a while back. So the boys rocked on up for a taste of thier best whares. One of the lads jumped on a CBR1100xx and proceded to wheelstand all the way down the main hiway away from the shop and most of the way round what is now refered to as the Honda test track. A 18 kilometer assortment of hairpins, rolling humps which taken at any serious speed will launch bike and rider through the air no probs, and some nice highish speed corners as well as some good fast straights.
  I threw the leg over the latest fireblade. Weapon!!!! FAST+ 250 kms clicked into top gear! Also handling to match. Very sharp. Exellent big beefy brakes. Top package as most of thier offerings were. The only thing lacking is character. Thats where your H-Ds and the like gain thier popularity. You've gotta have the whole pacckage.
 $0.02 worth.
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Offline alan

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Gas Prices - New Road Bike!
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2005, 05:09:28 AM »
Well I understand about the Harley guys! Like I said there is only one motorcycle dealer in El Paso, that is to say I will only do business with one!

Here is my new "Black Beauty"

Alan :D
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Re: RE: Re: Boss Hoss
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2005, 10:35:36 AM »
Quote from: Timbowe
Demo I used to own an Italjet Dragster 180. Had a few small mods done including a very nice tuned length Arrow expansion chamber with cabon fibre stinger silencer. I used to have great pleasure in blowing off Hardly Dangerous's and the like through the twisties round here. Took it to a few rallies and would sneak up behind people on thier big ol cruisers, they would see me comming and gas it. Cant be passed by a scooter!! But through the twisties They were no problem to catch up on. And slip past on the tightest corner.
 That thing was fast up to 60 mph after that not much left. So on the straights vrooom past again. Great fun.

Now yer talking, I have heard that those Italjet Dragsters are pretty sharp off the mark and as they don't weigh much they should be rapid round the corners also.

Offline Danger4u2

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Gas Prices - New Road Bike!
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2005, 10:45:33 AM »
Alan, only thing that will make that bike better is a T-shirt that says on the back, If you can read this my chick fell off!

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