Author Topic: DIY EFI Tuning- Anyone done it?  (Read 3853 times)

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DIY EFI Tuning- Anyone done it?
« on: December 27, 2016, 05:09:28 PM »
Has anyone got the Kawasaki EFI calibration kit?

I am curious how it works and how tuning/datalogging goes.

After building a turbo system for my late model mustang, I bought a tuning software and have learned how to tune using that technology. it uses a maf sensor to measure lbs of airflow based on voltage and a Wideband o2 sensor in the exhaust to measure A/F ratio. Basically you just modify the numbers in the airflow chart to correctly program the voltage read to mass of airflow to add or reduce fuel to keep the the a/f ratio at 11.5:1 (or whatever you want) during WOT. sounds complicated but ya get the hang of it once you do it.

How does the calibrator for the 450 work? There is no sensor in the exhaust so I assume I just add a bung, throw in a Wideband, datalog and use the calibrator to add fuel until it runs right. but thats just a guess.

In this article below they mention motec engine control and you can see a Wideband in the exhaust. I'm assuming thats because the kawi calibrator doesn't actually do much so you may as well nut up and get full aftermarket ecu. please help me understand this.,38932/Eli-Tomacs-Monster-Energy-Kawasaki-KX450F-SR,95082/ML512,13480

Thanks for the help!