Author Topic: Stupid...  (Read 4733 times)

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Offline John

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« on: June 12, 2005, 04:33:46 AM »
I was planning to go out with my motard yesterday. I got 300 meters from my house when it died on me - no spark. Changed sparkplug to my (new) reserve I always carry with me - no spark.

Rolled it home and ripped the electical system apart, meassured up everything. Looked fine, should work... left it for the evening.

Tried another sparkplug today - works fine. Wasted half a day yesterday and a couple of hours today because of two  faulty spark plugs!!

These are the first sparkplug failures I have have on the KX5.

I know that other peoples stupidity always cheer someone up, this one is on me.


Offline machine

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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2005, 04:49:22 AM »
Check the fly wheel!

The same thing happend to me, and it was the fly wheel keyway.

You may want to check it out!???!!??

Offline Arigato

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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2005, 08:46:32 AM »
Sounds like the time I couldn't get my bike to start because I left the wash plug in the silencer.

Offline John

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« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2005, 10:40:01 PM »
Thanks! It feels better now!

Arigato, you and I are the only ones who makes misstakes..?


Offline alan

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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2005, 01:57:33 AM »
We have all been there!  

I think I kicked my bike 200 times after changing the plug and forgot to snap the plug wire back on the plug! :oops:

Alan :)
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Offline KXcam22

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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2005, 03:32:01 AM »
  You are not alone. This will be an endless thread. Don't get me started. How about the time when I had just finished a full engine rebuild and had the engine sitting on the workbench. I kicked it over with a rag in the intake and the rag vanished into the engine. I completely tore it down and split the cases to retrieve the rag, but it wasn't was sitting on the floor 10' behind me. The rag got spit out instead of sucked in. Oops. Cam.

Offline John

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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2005, 08:32:41 AM »
Now, that makes me feel really good!

I probably would could have done the same...

When I was 15 I tweaked the cam timing on my "new" CB125. I read somewhere that you could do this (didn't read the part that you don't have to on a 125:er with 16bhp). I filed up the cam sprockets to the extent that the sprockets could almost rotate on the cams. End result; two valves broken and one of the valves were firmly set in the piston. I still have the piston (with the valve halfway through).


Offline alan

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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2005, 08:45:10 AM »
Once upon a time I worked at a small airport and my buddy Garry was doing a 100 hour inspection on a Cessna Turbo 206 he had a red rag stuffed in the turbo to keep the dirt out and we went to lunch! Guess who left the rag stuffed in the turbo! When the waste gate opened on the run up there was real not so funny noise!

Everyone has been a Dumb A## at one time or the other! :oops:

Alan :lol:
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Offline John

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« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2005, 09:13:22 AM »
Please keep 'em comming. I really don't think we are stupid - we're just very focused on the wrong things.


Offline beastrider500

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« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2005, 10:27:08 PM »
Quote from: alan
We have all been there!  

I think I kicked my bike 200 times after changing the plug and forgot to snap the plug wire back on the plug! :oops:

Alan :)

I did the same thing, only I did it while the guy who was interested in buying my bike was standing there watching. I didn't figure it out until he had gone. No, he hasn't come back. Guess I'll just have to keep it.
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Offline Arigato

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« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2005, 01:32:34 PM »
I(we) did the grandaddy of them this last weekend.  We loaded up the toy hauler to head for the dunes, used the load levelers and the stabilizer, but forgot something very important.  We got about a block from my house and crash! The trailer is dragging the ground!  We forgot to put in the pin that holds the hitch in.  I felt like a dumbass all weekend.  The bike ran like a champ though and nothing was damaged.

Offline GDubb

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« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 05:00:59 PM »
Not too long after I bought my 500(like 2nd or 3rd trip to the dunes), we went with the largest group Ive been riding with yet. Anyways, I started up my bike and we all took off in to the sand.  My bike was running like CRAP. I thought this is it, my worst fear, I spent all my money on a bike that was gonna need a total rebuild.  Went back to the truck, changed plugs, checked everything I could think of. Probly wasted an hour and a half trying to figure out that my dumb ass had left the choke on. I felt like an idiot, but it sure was a relief knowing I wasnt going to need a rebuild. Funny thing is that even with the choke on and running like crap my 500 was still leaving everyone in a cloud of dust, and a huge cloud of smoke!
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Offline Danger4u2

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« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2005, 03:52:35 AM »
Wish I wasn't in this post, but here goes. I might be at the top of the stupid list. Haven't wanted to say any thing about my stupidity, but it's been 9 months. Please learn by my mess up.
  I've been riding motorbikes since I was 14 years old, I've never been without a bike of some sort. I'm 48 now. That's 34 years of getting after it.
I haven't slowed down till December 11, 2004.
  My friends and I went to ride the river in Oklahoma City, N.E. of down town. About 3 miles from the I 40- I 35 mix master. We had been riding about 1 hour. I was doing wheelies ( 60mph +), jumps, and raced all and any that would. No one could hold a candle to the 500. Only thing close was Kawi 700 quad, and that was only off the line. Half way into second gear and it was good bye.
  When we stopped to take a breather, my friends wife comes over. She says man Dave you can really ride that thing, your nothing like Brad. You got the shifting of the gears in your wheelies and the whole works. Brad is a bud that bought a CR250R Honda, goes running down a trail he's never been on, endos the bike in a ditch and breaks his collar bone. 7 minutes after we started riding. OK time to wrap this up.
  Debbie suggested we see how far we can ride the river into downtown.
We had gone about 2 1/2 miles through 3 creeks, under 2 bridges when we get to the 4th street bridge that was under reconstruction. The construction trucks had a path worn in the grass that we were running down, I was in the lead 1st gear just off idle. The trucks are very big that move the dirt. One of them had droped a big hunk of red Okla. clay in the roadway. It had been run over so many times it looked like a pitchers mound. I was standing on the pegs at no more than 10 mph. I gave it a little gas to do a little wheel hop. To d*#m much, I looped the bike.
This should have been one of those kick the dirt and cuss about how I broke the rear fender. But as I came off the bike I landed on my knee cap. I dislocated the knee cap to allmost behind my leg. The bad part is I folded my leg behind me so bad it ripped the patellar tendon off the shin bone. The Doctor told me that's the most painful thing you can do to your knee without breaking a bone. I agree!!!

What did I learn:
Allways wear your riding gear. I was-injuries could have been worse.
Never ride alone, if you do, call and tell someone how long you will be riding and that you will call them when your done. Don't forget the 2nd call.
Ride with friends, smart friends- mine were instrumental getting me out of an isolated area and to the hospital.
Have a cell phone with you at all times- I did. Called my brother at work, luckily he was still there, it was close to the wreck site. He helped get me into the truck. Then rode my bike back to my truck and took it home.
The cell phone thing is not 100%, it can get broken in a wreck, or you might not have a signal in your riding area. Still a good idea.

I got a little long winded here. I'll make another post about my recovery at a later date. Here's some pictures to make you think about your wrist action. This could be in a theater near you so watch out.
P.S. I now call my bike chewie.
KX 500 Rider

Offline Timbowe

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RE: Stupid...
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2005, 07:52:55 PM »
Weapon in the hands of the Master

Offline 5dracing

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RE: Stupid...
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2005, 02:15:59 AM »
I did a similar thing in March of 2000. I was riding down a dirt road that dump trucks had been on and caught my toe in one of the ruts. Broke the area that the acl attaches and shattered the tibial platuae. Nothing 4 hours of surgery, a steel plate and screws, bone glue,  and a piece of sea coral could'nt fix. Also took about 9 months of rehab.

I rode the bike around in the yard about a month or 2 after and decided I should get rid of it until I was fully rehabbed.

Now, five plus years later it feels great and works fine. Still get little pains through it when riding, but only occasionally.
The torch has been passed; Father to Son. He is faster!!!