Author Topic: Good News For Michigan.  (Read 3266 times)

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Offline Oblivious Maximus

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Good News For Michigan.
« on: August 20, 2016, 02:32:55 AM »
 Finally some good results coming from our ORV license fees. The current cost is $36.25 annually and comes in the form of 2 stickers. $26.25 covers eligible county roads and certain federal land and frozen waters. The additional $10 trail permit covers the MI trail system and special use areas however is not a stand alone license so both are needed.

 I usually only register 2 bikes as the sticker goes on the back fender. I've heard the fenders are interchangeable on some KX's.
Where the Hell is "Easy Street" ?

Offline kxpegger

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Re: Good News For Michigan.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2016, 09:53:14 AM »
So long as VIN's and S/N's are not associated with your decals then the fenders are definitely interchangeable. They started a sticker program here in Nevada about 5 years ago! I refuse to outlaw! If you do some math and at $25 a decal I doubt they barely have enough money to pay one person to administrate the decals let alone hire anyone to enforce! I have not heard of one person that has been stopped to see if they have their off-road decals. It's all about control, money and nothing else here in Nevada. Nevada is virtually all open land and under Federal control so another reason that a "State" program is a joke.
North Las Vegas

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Offline tkeen511

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Re: Good News For Michigan.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2016, 01:04:06 PM »
I usually take a trip up once a year to the Baldwin area. I'm from Chicago, it's about $25-45 per day to ride here, we usually put them on our forks. Me and my old man go towards late September every year and we bring 3 bikes for 2 of us. I usually see somebody taking care of the land during the week. I buy for all 3 bikes even if one doesn't get ridden, rather do that so they got some money to pump back into this stuff. Maybe it will catch on and Illinois will jump on board.
14 250 sx, 98/14 kx 300 afc, 91 kx 500, 72 s2 350, 11 ktm 250xcw, 10 crf 250x, 97 Montesa 315r, couple other bikes

Offline Oblivious Maximus

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Re: Good News For Michigan.
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2016, 01:46:52 PM »
No VIN or SN on the stickers. In fact living where I do we pretty much do as we please during the week. Enforcement is targeted at congregation points on weekends or chasing down kids in trucks at night. I've never been stopped, they have no real rules on race bikes vs. trail bikes, in my area, other than spark arresters. I do see your point living where you do there is no return on the fees. Just a fund raiser for the state.

 Years ago around here there was no real state involvement, when snowmobiles became popular the state jumped in. The fees were lower back then but the money along with some hunting and fishing license funds were diverted into brownfield cleanups down south in the urban areas so we got little or nothing back. In fact the only things new from year to year were barricades and other types of trail closings.

 I live about 2/3 of the way up in lower MI. When the economy tanked here the best job going was making "For Sale" signs in some of these small towns. Someone did a study of tourism and dollars spent on orv travel related revenue and convinced the state to work on improving the trail system which in turn has been a huge boost to a lot of the small towns. The ones who do it right are busy all riding season and doing well. I prefer to ride weekdays and seldom see other riders and if i want to ride 20 miles to a neighboring town for lunch I can also ride into town and get fuel for the ride home.
Where the Hell is "Easy Street" ?

Offline Oblivious Maximus

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Re: Good News For Michigan.
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2016, 01:59:24 PM »

 Tin Cup and Little O come to mind in that area. I haven't ridden there but drove through weekly in a previous job. Looks like nice terrain.

 I'm north and east of there in Ogemaw County a little over 100 miles by road and would almost bet the trail systems would connect. The catch is which counties allow use of county roads.
Where the Hell is "Easy Street" ?

Offline tkeen511

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Re: Good News For Michigan.
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2016, 05:17:13 PM »
Yes we enjoyed tin cup very much, we also liked evart a lot. Lots of baby head size rocks, some boulders, very nasty tight stuff, that's what we like. Evart and tin cup have been great to us, little o is ok I guess but a lot wider than we like, a lot deeper sand, and hard to tell where the trail is in some spots, we spent a lot of time on the jeep trails looking for where the bike trail picked back up. We do a 3-5 day trip usually so we get a couple good weekdays for riding. Thinking about traveling up to the grand traverse trail and possibly even hit some trails in the upper peninsula, I may even try to race the national there next summer. Send me some names of whatever trails you like best, and they may get added to our schedule! I'd appreciate it
14 250 sx, 98/14 kx 300 afc, 91 kx 500, 72 s2 350, 11 ktm 250xcw, 10 crf 250x, 97 Montesa 315r, couple other bikes