Just a hint...
The CR had the most low end but died into the mid range..
Motorrads engine came in second for low end to mid range.
Mine was dead last for low end

Mine was first for mid to top

But that wasn't unexpected.
Sean want's a grunt engine..
Sean said that he could tell that my engine and Motorrads were very similar.
That's no surprise...

But here is the differences.
Motorrad's has the bottom of the exhaust port blended and mine doesn't.
Motorrad's has piston skirt mods and holes all over the place... Mine only has a few oil holes.
Mine has the Kips drum wall removed and the port walls blended, Motorrad's doesn't.
Motorrads was running a FMF Gnarly pipe which is a good low end pipe.
Mine is on a PC2 which is better for top end.
Motorrad's is using a VF2 with boot mods.
Mine is a stock reed block with After market petals.
Motorrad's and mine are both using stock carbs but Motorrad's has a new top secret stealth needle in it..
And remember, these differences aren't like WOW CRAZY differences... Just noticeable..
So we are going to give Sean something with a little more grunt.

But you will have to stay tuned for the specifics.
Also,, Oscar has video and pics that we will be combining to make a youtube video with..