Well Guys very happy to have found this forum. I currently ride a KTM 300XC street legaled. Love two strokes. Always been fascinated with the idea of the KX500 engine in a newer frame that feels like my KTM. I see alot of CR500AF builds but honestly Im not big on the aluminum frame or the cr500 engine. many discussion support the CR5 but I don't think the KX gets the respect it deserves.
Purchased a 2000 KX500 from a guy who's wife told him he needed to sell it, he had gone for a wild ride on it and had some real bad bruises. He said hoped I knew was I was getting into. I am already well aware that I am an idiot, so I proceeded with the sale. I initially purchased this bike just to use the engine out of but then later decided the bike was too good as is. I'd hate to tear it apart. I love the way those older bikes look. So, I decided I would have to source a different engine for the build. So at this time I have finally found a second engine and have that on the way.
So starting a thread here to track my progress the list will change as time goes on.
Plans may change but here is what I have to use for starters.
Parts from 2012.5 KTM "Factory Edition" 450SXF
-Triple Clamps
-Front brake handle, caliper, MC and line
-Rear brake caliper and MC (no line)
-both radiators
-New plastics
-Subframe (this is from a 450 XC not sx)
Now from a 2000 KX I have
-FMF Gnarly pipe x2
-Stock Pipe x1
-FMF Silencer
-Extra frame if needed for Mock-up or to make a template (not to be cut up plan is to use to powdercoat restore the 2000)
-One extra airbox
-Misc set of extra bolts
So still have some odds and ends to pick up.
Misc brake components
Bolts here and there
Still have alot to figure out
May add decompression head
Convert clutch (would like to do a hydraulic actuator on that)
Will 450 airbox work, maybe use stock 500 air boot in that box?
Will the 450 XC subframe work
Will 450 radiators work
Going to start reading through threads not and figure out what the hell is going on. I kind of have the cart before the horse here but I'm determined to get this done. Any advice is appreciated!